DAY 12

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DAY 12


Clay brought the car to a stop in front of Zeena's Pharmaceuticals Private Lab, Linton who had accompanied Sutherland in order to check on the products stepped out of the car as well and followed behind Sutherland as they made their way to the fourth floor. The fourth floor was restricted and only the scientists and doctors that were working on the drugs were allowed on this floor.

Doctor Elizabeth Ryes the head scientist of the lab and the one heading their current project waited for Sutherland and Linton immediately after they got off the elevator. With a polite smile, she approached the two men.

"Mr. Sutherland, Mr. Linton welcome." Doctor Elizabeth spoke as she reached out a hand and shook both their hands.

"Doctor Ryes, always a pleasure." Sutherland replied smoothly to which Doctor Ryes gave a shy smile.

"This way please." Doctor Ryes escorted the two men from the hallway to their main lab where they were developing a new drug. Inside the lab, several scientists were running different tests and trials each of them working on different instruments.

"The new drug is called RD-11, it's an analgesic meant to relieve pain in any form ranging from headaches, joint pain, chest pain, menstrual pain, and the likes. As you can see we're in Phase III of the Clinical trials and once we pass this phase we'll be able to start marketing and distributing on a large scale." Doctor Ryes explained as she took Linton and Sutherland around the lab pointing out and explaining the various steps.

"What about the extra material that was added?" Linton asked.

"We've added it as per your request. Don't worry, it won't be noticed in any obvious ways and we've made it so that it'll be addictive in its small amount." Doctor Ryes explained with a smile and both men gave satisfied nods.

Doctor Ryes gave them the rest of the tours pointing out certain things and answering whatever questions Sutherland and Linton had. It took about an hour before they were done and when they were finally leaving the lab Sutherland and Linton were surprised to find Alpha waiting for them and unknown to them Felix was standing right next to him.

"I hope I wasn't interrupting anything?" Alpha asked hands clasped behind his back as he gave Doctor Ryes a flirty smile. Surprised at his appearance and not wanting to draw attention Sutherland turned to dismiss Doctor Ryes.

"Like always Doctor Ryes you're doing amazing work. Do push forward with the next step and call me if anything goes wrong." Sutherland said and Doctor Ryes got the message that she was being dismissed, with a polite nod she excused herself and Alpha gave a wave at her retreating back.

"What do you think you're doing here in broad daylight?" Sutherland demanded of Alpha once Doctor Ryes was out of earshot.

"You should know better, all three of us can't be seen together." Linton added as well with a frown and somehow the two old men fussing made Alpha laugh.

"Exactly when have I ever done what I've been told?" Alpha asked with a cheeky grin but the two men knew that his good-boy attitude was all an act. "I just had to come see where the magic was happening, it's fascinating isn't it?" He asked pacing in front of the lab his eyes alight with excitement.

"You didn't have to drop by, as you can everything is running perfectly and we'll soon have your goods in the market in no time." Sutherland assured and Alpha gave an excited nod.

"Yes, I can see that." He said and then stopped pacing as he faced the two once more. "You know it was Paolo's idea to add cocaine to the drugs and then sell it on a wide scale, impressive don't you think? When this works out he'll not only have his hands on all the smuggling routes in this country but he'll also be able to take control of the cartels as well."

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