DAY 21

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                                                                                    DAY 21

Sleep came easy to Adrianna that night as she burrowed under her soft covers and laid her head on the pillow Adrianna felt herself being dragged deeper into her unconscious. But as time went by the feel of the pillow underneath her head turned to solid ground and Adrianna got the feeling as if she were lying on something prickly and wet, something was very wrong with the sensation.

Forcing her eyes open Adrianna quickly realized that she was lying on the floor and that the prickly wet sensation was because there was wet grass underneath her, Adrianna was in a forest. On her feet Adrianna shivered at the cold air that nipped her skin, the air was dense with heavy fog and so many trees lined the place that Adrianna was unable to tell left from right. It was then that she realized that she wasn't just in any forest but this was the same forest that she had been pulled into after her connection with Felix was formed, in fact she was in the exact same spot.

But why was she here, had Felix accidentally pulled her in again? No, Adrianna had been in the underground so many times that she was used to the sensation of being summoned here because of the bond that tied her to Felix but this was different, it was new she could feel it.

She was cold, tired and still sleepy and for some weird reason her right arm was burning, Adrianna folded up her shirt until it reached her shoulder and then gasped in both horror and surprised at what she saw on her arm. On her arm were burn marks of someone's finger prints, Adrianna could tell that she got the burn from when the person wrapped their fingers around her arm and that was when she remembered, she didn't come here of her own accord, someone had dragged her into the underground.

Swallowing harshly Adrianna returned her shirt back into place and went back to looking around, back then it was Roxy that had found her within moments of entering the underground and had tried to kill her, hopefully the demons had noticed her presence and would come for her. The fog was too dense and although she didn't want to Adrianna forced herself to move, she couldn't possibly stand there the whole night could she?

"Casper!" She screamed into the night as she walked, her arm still stung and she clutched onto it. "Roxy, Axel!" For the next five minutes Adrianna roamed the woods aimlessly as she shouted out to Roxy, Axel, Cassie and Casper but none of them appeared, just when she was about to give up and collapse on the ground Adrianna was propelled forward by an invisible force and shoved smack dab into a tree.

She groaned in pain as her back connected hardly with the trunk of the tree, she felt someone use their arm to hold her steady against the tree while the hand caged her in on one side, her eyes opened and Adrianna froze in her spot. There was a woman standing in front of her, the unknown woman was the one holding Adrianna hostage and naturally she would've thought that she was just another demon but Adrianna got cold shivers when she was met with red eyes instead of black.

"A living soul." The woman whispered in fascination as Adrianna remained deadly still where she was. "So it's true." The woman continued to herself openly observing Adrianna who was frightened to her core. Adrianna had never seen anything like this woman before, she couldn't even guess what she was but the one thing she was certain of was that the woman was dangerous and if she didn't leave this instant she would become this woman's prey. The scent that also came off the woman was quite clogging and Adrianna wondered for a short moment what it was.

Could it be brimstone?

"You made a big mistake being in a world where you don't belong." The woman whispered cynically her red eyes glinting and Adrianna made her next move without thinking. Adrianna had seen the action a handful of times in movies, she had always known that the move would hurt but she didn't expect it to hurt this much, before the lady could get another word out Adrianna lifted her head as far as she could and head-butted the woman.

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