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Two Years Later.

Even after all the pain, the struggles, the death, blood, and tears they finally made it, Adrianna had finally graduated. The memory was still fresh in her mind as if it had only happened a few moments ago, when they called her name and she walked up the podium to collect her certificate, her friends and family whistling and cheering her on. The smiles and laughter on their faces as they gathered after and took pictures, their last dinner together as one big happy family before they all had to go their separate ways.

Two whole years had passed and a lot of things had changed but some things still remained the same. That day after the graduation Mabel had approached Adrianna with flowers and a smile congratulating her and for a moment Adrianna imagined Felix standing next to his mother, the image was so vivid it brought tears to her eyes. Mabel had come to thank her for all that Adrianna had done for her and her family and to apologize as well for the suffering they had brought onto her. It was a bittersweet moment as they parted, Mabel had informed her that she was going to search for Felix now that everything was finally over and Adrianna wondered if she should tell the woman that Felix was already gone. But instead, Adrianna let her be, they still needed to find Felix's body and bring him to his final resting place, he deserved that much at least.

Later on, Adrianna had heard that Mabel was now in full control of SM Investments and all its subsidiary companies, the woman had given out all of Sutherland's money to charity and was now running the business how she wanted, she was finally happy and living the life she wanted.

Sebastian and Stacey were gone and Adrianna hadn't heard from them from the moment they had said their goodbyes, she hoped they were at peace wherever they were. After Sutherland, Linton, Clay, and the others were brought down and imprisoned Jason got promoted to Chief Prosecutor of Kings and Sterling, a year later he got married and was now a father of two.

Zoya had been scouted into an orchestra in Germany and has been living there for over a year now living her dream. Hunter had proposed to Kat who gladly accepted, there was a lot of chaos between the families after that especially between Hunter's and Kat's mother but alas the big day came and Hunter and Kat became husband and wife. After a year and a half of marriage Kat was now a mother to a four-month-old baby boy named Diesel.

As for Adrianna, well, after her presentation at school her work had garnered the attention of a lot of sponsors and artists alike, it became a worldwide sensation. Deciding to take a break Adrianna spent some time with her mother over the holidays before she finally moved over to New York where she opened up her own gallery and bought her own apartment.

A lot of businessmen, companies, and collectors had come over to her gallery to buy her painting but Adrianna had refused to sell no matter how much they offered, the painting belonged right here in the center of her gallery for Felix to see wherever he was, the masterpiece she had promised him.

Over the past two years, Adrianna still cried herself to sleep almost every night his letter in her hand with the necklace clasped over her neck, she had never taken it off ever since she put it on. Time was supposed to heal all wounds but the love she had for Felix was still burning brightly in her heart as if it had only just begun and Adrianna wondered if she would ever be able to move on.

It was dark out now and almost all of her customers were gone and Adrianna found herself walking towards the painting like she did every other night and stared. It was a huge canvas and the entirety of it was covered by the structure of Felix from the face down to his waist, she had made it so only half of his face was visible the other half covered by the hoodie over his head. She had used black and grey colors around the edges of the canvas and the edge of the sweater but the whole of his back that was where the real magic was.

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