DAY 23

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                                                                                     DAY 23

They had nothing.

After hours of combing through all the files that Adrianna was able to get from the Chief Prosecutor's office, they found that nothing there was incriminating enough for them to use against the man, so they had nothing. That was what Axel told her the next day when Adrianna went to the hotel to tell them about the dead rat.

"You're being threatened?" Axel asked infuriated at the prospect that someone was threatening Adrianna's life.

"At first I found a note in my car with the word 'WHORE' written on it, I didn't think anything of it at first so I just ignored it, thought someone was playing a prank. But this time around they broke into my home, got into my room, and left a dead rat there, that has to mean something." Adrianna explained to them.

That night she had found it hard to sleep in her room and had ended up sharing a bed with Kat in the other room, every time she remembered the incident, fear would seize her chest and a cold feeling would always wash over her.

"Was there anything else in the room asides from the rat?" Cassie asked and Adrianna shook her head in the negative, she had also noticed that Felix had gone deadly still and quiet after she had confessed to them that there was a threat to her life.

"Do you think they've figured it out and are warning her to stay away?" Roxy asked thoughtfully referring to Sutherland and Linton and it was then that Felix spoke up for the first time.

"It's not them." He said and they all turned their attention on him. "They still think that I am alive and the mastermind behind all the problems they've been facing, if someone is after Anna's life, it's not them." Felix concluded.

"You're saying someone else is after her?" Axel asked a little surprised and confused at Felix's theory.

"That doesn't make any sense, the only people that would want to harm me are Sutherland and Linton but you're confident that it's not them, so who else could it be?" Adrianna asked.

"The Columbian Mafia." Felix said out loud and the room descended into silence. "When we started this fight it was just between my father and Linton but we messed with the mafia as well let's not forget that. Alpha and his men are looking for me and from what I've heard Paolo is in town, any one of these people could be after you."

Not once had Adrianna considered the fact that she would end up on the mafia's radar, all this time she had only seen Sutherland and Linton as the enemy and had completely ignored all other outside factors and now her ignorance was coming to bite her in the ass. With this realization, Adrianna dropped on the couch behind her with a sigh.

"Let's just end it." Felix whispered and once again they were all looking at him.

"What?" Adrianna asked shocked at his words.

"Let's just end it here, forget tonight's break-in, let's just end it here." Felix said again and Adrianna just stared at him. When they had come up empty-handed after going through Victor's office, Axel had done some surveillance on the Chief Prosecutor and had found out that the man had a secret safe at home where he kept very important documents. Tonight they were supposed to break into Victor's home and try to get their hands on those documents but now because of Adrianna's confession, Felix was calling off the whole thing.

"No." Adrianna bit out vehemently and Felix stalked over to her.

"Anna listen to me, you can't keep doing this, this whole thing just got way too dangerous and I'm not gonna let you get hurt or get caught up in the mafia either."

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