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"Today the groundbreaking ceremony of Care and Cure Hospital and Orphanage will be happening live at....."

"Conglomerate, CEO, Investor, and business partner Abraham Sutherland has....."

"The first state-of-the-art hospital and orphanage will be built....."

The sound of journalists and reporters talking bounced off of each other as everyone tried to get pictures and statements from each of the party's attending the groundbreaking ceremony. There were politicians, businessmen, investors, conglomerates, and the likes, all of them influential men and women of the society.

Sutherland, Linton, and the other members of the board were also waiting as well while everyone tried to settle down and find their places, once that was done Sutherland took to the stage and even more flashes of the camera bounced off the area.

"May I have your attention please." Sutherland started off as he cleared his throat, those still standing took their seats and everyone settled into silence. "Today is a great day, as we at SM Investments are about to make history by building the first state-of-the-art hospital and orphanage in the great city of Seattle. First of all, I would like to thank all of those who have put their faith in us by investing in this great project and to the rest of you as well who have been supportive and kind in helping make sure that this project sees the light of day, thank you."

An applause broke out for a few seconds and Sutherland bowed showing his appreciation before standing to his full height once more and continuing his speech.

"The project we are here to celebrate today is one that will help our future generations to come and will also make our lives better. Care and Cure Hospital and Orphanage is here to guide, protect, heal, care and cure those of us in need when we have no one to turn to. In pain CCHO will be there to help, in sickness, we will be there to heal, in whatever way you may need us CCHO will always be there for you.

With your help and support, I want to thank all of you for working together in building a home and for providing a family that will always be there whenever need be. Thank you."

Sutherland ended his speech and another round of applause echoed in the empty space as the reporters took pictures and captured every moment. After that Sutherland, his wife, and daughter cut the ribbon allowing everyone to enter the space where the hospital and orphanage will be built. Then Sutherland, Linton, and the other sponsors and investors turned the first sod of soil while the reporters made sure to record everything, this was going to be their main headline.

They celebrated, mingled, thanked, and congratulated each other and when Sutherland felt like he had done enough to keep up appearances, he took his leave.

"You should head home, I have some other business to attend to." Sutherland said to his wife with a smile. Knowing that everyone was watching he leaned down and placed a quick kiss on her lips, and hugged his daughter goodbye before ushering them over to the car to be driven home. After that, he went on his way as well, but he didn't go to the office as expected.

After an hour of driving, Clay brought the car to a stop on a long dirt road that was barely inhabited by anyone. The two men stepped out of the vehicle and looked around, there were two extra cars parked on the side as well. Further ahead was an empty warehouse, walking towards the building Sutherland and Clay stepped inside to find Linton already seated and waiting along with another male as well.

Approaching the two men Sutherland took the last remaining seat while Clay stood behind him.

"Congratulations on the ceremony, it was quite impressive." Alpha, one of Sutherland's and Linton's associates said hands stapled in front of him.

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