(April 22, 2020)
pip wasnt scared of michale kackson like ben was and would soon regret that
the whole damn world was on lockdown right now and everyone was told to nEVER LEAVE THEIR HOUSE OR ELSE THEY MIGHT DIE
so pip decides to go to hell
she used the portal in she room and take the elevatro
when she get out, ben is laying on his bed in a trance staring at a shirtless picture of..... matt wotson
"bruh" pip coughs and bEN JUMPS
"WHAT WHAT" he shoves the picture in his ass pocket and smiles awkwardly
"i got plane tickets to somewhere special" she held up two (2) plabe tickets "just meet me outside and by outside i mean here in hell because fuck the surface"
~le epic time skip~
ben was standing there waiting for pip to turn up
"bruh where were you" he squints "that shit took forever????"
pip blushed "sorry i fucked your dad"
"youre asexUAL???"
"not in fever dream lore" pip looked at the fourth wall and ben shit himself
just then BMC rose out of the ground behind them and put a hand on both of their shoulders
"so whatcha two talking about?"
ben pushed him away
"dad leave us alone!!!!!!!!!!!!@^%$%^!&*"
"ok fine" BMC retracted liike 27 arms back into himself
there was a long awkward pasue
"by the way, what da hell are you doing? you arent planning on leaving right???????? if either of you bring that god dam virus to hell i will personally end the world"
"how the fuck dead people gon die of a virus" pip began but then stopped and pulled out the tickets "well wer're going to michale kackson's neverland ram racnh"
BMC nodded thoughtfully "ah yes michale kackson. hes in the 69 layer of hell right now. hes not allowed in any of the canon circles of hell because theyre all below 10 qnd he would get the wrong idea" ben's face twisted in disgust
he grabbed pips shoulders and started shaking her "i fucking hate michale kackson! what are you on pip!?!??!!? you cant seriously think about going outside on the surface! especially not to the neverland ram ranch"
BMC slithered in closer "oh? you dont want to go ben?" ben glared at him "in that case...." BIGMEATYCLAWS opened a portal below their feet and they started falling "have a safe trip :)"
ben crossed his arms "if this portal opens in the fucking ranch im going to go ooga booga"
the portal opened and they hit the ground
the whole earf shaked
they looked up at a bigass sign that said "neverland ranch this way" and ben screamed so loud that the ground split open and swallowed the sign
pip said :|
"well we're here so we should at least go in" she mentioned
pip nodded "im gonna be stupid and progress the plot duh"
well fuck
"im not going in its a shitty idea" ben SWEATED