Christmas is bootleg and i have proof part 1

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(December 25, 2018)

so im laying in bed because that's what people with a sleep schedule do at 2 AM. i am then rudely awakened by my brother. he's shaking me so hard like what the fuck is there a fire whats wrong. "PIP ITS CHRISTMAS DAY" he whisper yells in his kid voice. i look at the clock.

"look its 2 AM im gonna go back to sleep but you can go and do whatever it is walmart psychos do" i turned over and buried my head in the blankets. he stood there for the next five minutes trying to bargain with me.

and by bargain i mean "pip.......pip............pip.....pip...........pIP..........PIP" so he finally leaves.

its like 6 AM and pip finally goes in the living room. its still dark as hell so she grabs a whole flashlight instead of turning the lights on like a normal person. all the presents are goNE FROM UNDER THE TREE. PIP ALMOST SCREMAS. then she looks around the whole damn house excluding her parents room because hell no.

she's about to go back to her room when she hears a noise coming from her brothers room. is he sleep talking again oh my god.

pip has no manners and was in fact raised in a stable so she throws open his door. this isnt even her brothers room. it looks sorta like-

"we've been expecting you"

pip stands there mORTIFIED.


theyre all slav squatting on a pastel red couch in the middle of a pastel yellow room surrounded by flowers. but tripaloski is BLASTING and theyre all wearing shades. chen is in the middle. he says something in korean. "whwhwHAT" pip is cryING.

chen looks at xiumins ghost. he mumbles somethign in korean. "그 오빠의 라자냐 훔치다"

xiumin stands up and starts walking towards pip. SHE SCREAMs. "WHAT?!?!?!??!?! STSTSTSTOP I- oh wait youre a ghost hahahaha-" xiumin pOSSESSES PIP AND WALKS INTO THE KITCHEN. pip has tears ruNNING DOWN HER FACE. "oh are you hungrfy theres food in the frid-" xiumin grabs a suPER SHARP KNIFE. "HOLD UO BITCH WHAT THE FUCK" he raises pip's arm up onto the counter. in the other hand he raises the knife above her head. and wiHT ONE SWIFT MOTION, HE BRINGS THE KNIFE DOWN TRHOUGH HER WRIST. JUST LIKE JESUS CHRIST.

baekhyun comes in and opens the fridge. "bruh they got old pizza in here" he turns and sees pip bleeding heavily on the counter. "BRUH HWY IS PIP BLEEDING HEAVILY ON THE COUNTER." pip (xiumin) turns and looks at him with a crazed smile. baekhyun backs away. "uhhhhhhh CHEN I THINK YORU BROTHER IS HERE XIUMIN WAS JUST SUPPOSED TO STEAL THE LASANGA"

chen ruNS IN. he sees all the blood, the old pizza, pip is about to pass out part 827345942. thats when BIGMEATYCLAWS slithers out. "YOU THOUGHT IT WAS JUST XIUMIN BUT BUT BUT IT WAS ME, BIGMEATYCLAWS" he crawls with his 69 hands over to the ceiling.

"bitch you cant get me now" BIGMEATYCLAWS DOES THE DEFAULT FORTNITE DANCE AND PIP PASSES OUT. just then there is a rumble. now yall gotta know pips house is kinda shittu. the roof starts crackign. "mama mia" everyone says at the same time anD THEN THE ROOF COLLAPSES IN.

pip wakes up in her bed startled as hell. she looks at the clcok.

its like what 6 AM. she remembers everythign that happened AND GETS UP. she sees a letter on her dresser. hold up. she slithers over. all it says on it is CHEN. OOOOOH HER MAN WANTS HER BACK AFTER THE........................incident................................................WITH KAI. SHE TEARS IT OPEN QUICKLY. theres only a few lines written on some wide ruled paper.

"dear pip, youre an asshole and i wont forgive you. bye................................forever"

PIP SCREAMS AND FALLS TO HER KNEES. her brother runs in. "PIPAREYOUOKAY" she nods quickly and stands up.

"yes. i got something i gotta do, broski, you cant come with me."

she walks over to her closet door and opens it. its dark as hell in there because she doesnt have a lught in there. she steps in and closes the door.

when she opens the door again, shes in jareds room in hell.

jared looks up at her.

"what do you want its 6 am bruh"

"i need yoru help"

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