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"Jin let's go, we're all ready waiting for you" I yelled my voice aching through the mansion "I need to look good you know" said Jin coming down the stairs tucking his hair behind his ear "can y'all please shut up for once" a small yet rough voice spoke behind him from the kannon chaise.

"Being a seducer takes a lot of work you know, gotta look perfect even though I was born perfect" jin chuckled as the two just give each other looks.

" anygays, Let's go get them cash shall we"
"Alright then let's do it" said yoongi finally getting up from the Kannon chaise "rich bar here we come" Jin shouted dramatically "Hyung you know we're not in a movie right" yoongi burst the bubble running the moment as he walked out the door to the black van, not glancing back once as he already had an image of how Jin is digging holes behind his back.

"be quiet, can't you hear the music lemme enjoy the moment" Jin continues to act dramatically "Jin hyung you seriously look like a lama in labor" i ran for my dear life knowing if I stay any longer I could be 6ft underground in matter of second.
~30minutes later~
"Jin hack in the system and find the room" yoongi your coming with me and the rest of the guards stay outside of the bar in case of an emergency" I left the van with yoongi "leave the guards for me" yoongi said fasting his pace "jinyoung is in room 3018 on the second floor" Jin said through the earpiece "got it" I replied squashing through people

I pressed the elevator to the second floor reloading my S4M pistol not that I would be needing it and place it on the back of my pants to my belt. Ash how I hate the smell of alcohol I can already smell it I scratched up my nose disgusted of the smell.

I arrived at the door and kicked open, what my eyes saw isn't surprising at all he literally had his dick up in some whores ass.

I made disgusted face "I suggest you get lost if you don't want this bullet up your ass instead of that old wracked dick" I threaten with clear revolt in my voice.

I guess she listens cause she ran out of the room naked "now what do we have here" jinyoung finally spoke "O I'm here just to get the cash" I smirk "woah woah baby boy don't jump into conclusion" I vomited on my mouth at that pet name "you just chased away my toy when I just started" I'm guessing he meant to pout but it looks more of a camel smiling by forced.

"well listen here MR.FUCKFACE first don't call me babyboy, wait there won't be a next time silly me" i laughed psychopathically taking a sit on one of the chairs in the room "what do you mean" I guess he finally realized today is his last day as he already shown his fear "oh nothing much just stating the fact that today is your last day on earth" I smiled more like evil grin "but lucky you, you get to see my bunny smile before the devil take your soul" I smiled ear to ear.

"The coast is clear" I heard yoongi through earpiece "aww to bad I can't chat with you any longer" I pouted"but you will experience less pain, why are you getting all the lucky charms" I pulled my lucky weapon playing with my knife pouting again.

"looking for this" I said showing the small weapon that meant to harm me "how did you get that" he panic.
"How I got it isn't important is it weak bitch?" he quickly got up and take a sharp thin knife out of a lamp from the nightstand "O i guess I have to sweat a little this time"

he flipped and zen rollover the knife and was going for my neck but I wasn't about to get my milky skin scarred I dodged and slide under his leg and trapped his arm with one of my hand and the other one on his neck "now any last wishes" "in you drea-"

"Ugh your boring" i interrupted him as I silt his throat blood spurt out like when you turn on a faucet and water spits, the floor of the room become bloody flood "god damn it, now I got my favorite jacket stained" I stormed out the room frustrated.

"You got the cash" yoongi popped out from the corner like a cat "shit" I scrolled myself as I forgot about the whole purpose of this mission.

"What the fuck were you doing if you don't have the cash" yoongi scolded "look at my jacket it's all stained thanks to him" I bellowed back "damn you, go back and get the money" shouted yoongi already annoyed.

*bang bang
"O shit they must've been notify that their boss is dead" we ducked down as everybody in the bar started screaming and running around "forget the money let's get outta here" we got outta the bar successfully without incident thanks to the chicks crowding "yah start the van " I shouted.

"we're being followed" I excitedly looked out the window "okay boys it's my turn to shine" Jin said loading his ak47 "Sit back and enjoy the show, and count the headshots" said Jin position the weapon "aye you got the first headshot" I clapped my hands "duh it's WWH their dealing with you forgot" Jin flipped his nonexistent hair "watch out "

"Chill cookie face it's not that easy for them to reach me" Jin again flipped his imaginary hair "okay Jin you really need to quit flipping your nonexistent hair" I said it out with done face.

"Is it your business, I'll answer it N O, nO" I will flip it how ever much I want" this time he's shaking his whole head "keep doing that till you hear the bells ring from heaven and satan flying around your head" i lied back down next to yoongi. Wow this boy would really sleep even on the last minute of earth.

"Ughh their boring, how are they in mafia when they could hardly shoot anything" said Jin disappointed "i don't know go ask Satan" I closed my eyes resting my head in the car wall.

"Police" i said with my eyes still closed "yoongi get your rock ass up and get rid of them cops" jin yelled putting back his ak47 in it's case. "If I could ever be reborn I would sell my soul to be born as rock in next life" he open his eyes in annoyance. As he put ammo's on the sniper.

Like always he blowed up all 5 cars in less then five minutes. This why they shouldn't mess with us. THE BULLETPROOF.


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