Ch.19 || KIDNAPPED!!

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First of all I wanna thank ya soo muchhh for 12k reads<33

And Sorry for ghosting ya for few months :( I'll try to update more as soon as I can.

I didn't think this was gonna gain this much attention and it brought it to my attention of me not putting TW in some scenes and I apologised for that. I didn't think I needed to since I already did it in the introduction ch. but I'll surely apply it next time :) again THANK YA SM<33

3rd person POV:

So many events are taking places at the penthouse. It was disaster! The mansion was attacked. their was a battle a whole battle going on between two gangs.

While V was speeding down with speed rate increasing more with passing second. He knew it was kai coming back to take his revenge; anger overpowered him by the even thoughts of someone laying hands on his belongings his hand in the steer tighten.

On the other hand, Jin was panicking he couldn't find jungkook or Yoongi. The sound of gun and breaking objects filled the place. He knows they can protect themselves but that didn't stop him from worrying one bit. He didn't have any weapons with him either. He made out in the hallway sneaking away to find rest of his members.

That was until he was snatched into one of the rooms. Hands were quickly placed on his mouth preventing him from releasing any kind of noises. He swiftly twisted the opponent's arm plunging the person on the wall yanking their hair to view the face but was shocked to see RM. "What are you doing here" rm let out a groan by the rough pull by his hair.

"What you mean? Of course, saving your ass" Jin released him "have you seen jungkook or yoongi yet?" rm sighed as he already predicted jin's reaction as he showed him the message that was sent to his phone.

Anonymous: you might wanna see this precise picture maybe the last picture of him if you don't corporate.

Anonymous: you might wanna see this precise picture maybe the last picture of him if you don't corporate

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Jin's heart sinked down to his stomach. his mind quickly gather worse cases possible; trepidation could be seen in his widen eyes. "Who's this? Where did they took him?" Jīn throw questions at rm with panic taking over. "You have to stay calm; we can't just barge at them. We have to have a plan he's obviously using V's weakness to destroy him" he explained calmly.

"We can't just sit on our butt coming up with dumb, shitty plan while they torture him" Jīn angrily burst out at him. "But we also can't just put all our life at risk" RM replied getting frustrated " farewell because I am not wasting another second arguing with you" jin stormed out the room but was petrified by the scene in front of him.

the look on V's face made him question his next step. he had blood stain all over his face and suit, the darken aura oozing around him was enough to make you piss your pants, dead bodies were lying everywhere; the stairs were flooded with blood. RM who was coming after jin also terminated his steps by the scene.

He must've got the message as well. He thought as he stood behind the shaken boy. "Find the location now" his voice was low and deadly; the sharp glaze was enough info for him as he grabs jin's wrist pulling the stunned boy with him to the computer room.

"what was that" Jin asked finally letting out a breath he didn't even knew he was holding. "Last time I seen that look on his face was 3 years ago, don't provoke or question him he will kill you without hesitation" Jin looked at rm confused "in other words, he's not really in his right mindset"


Heavily painful whimper could be heard. Yoongi was paining indescribable sensation, it felt like a bullet was shot right through his organs. Except that he was shot on his right shoulder as blood flood down his arm, down on his pants. The burning sensation was so discomforting.

He wished he could pass out to stop the pain. But he was more worried about his boss who was kidnapped by the people who shot him. He didn't know how to contact or find anyone in this big place.

He hold edge of his shirt while he bit the other end of the fabric. He tore as he pulled more, having only his left hand to support himself. he pulled with all his strength ripping the shirt that was now a cropped. He wrapped the cotton fabric of the ripped shirt around his wound as he sobbed more. Throwing his head back on the wall, taking deep breaths cooling off pain before standing up with wall support.

He started roaming down the endless hallway. As his legs got weaker with his each step, the path he walked down was decorated with red substance of blood.

He don't think he could continue as his eyes also got heavy by the great loss of blood. Their wasn't any more energy left in his body, not having anymore strength to continue his legs gave up as he fall down in the middle of hallway. Losing the control of his body. His visual blurs as he saw a person running down the hall in his direction in a slow motion. Is this how death feels like?


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