Ch. 29|| CLINGY

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I been awake for half an hour now. I would've gotta up and did my routine but this muscle pig had iron grip on me for the entire night.

I know he never had good rest since I went on coma. His under bags and tired look speaks for themselves. He didn't say anything when I confirmed him about it but I saw it through him.

He slept so peacefully last night. I felt his muscles relaxed and not tensed as he was when he first hugged me. His breathing were also so peacefully.

I want to know what has been going on since I went on coma. And I been trying to get hold of Jin so we can have meeting and discuss about all the changes but haven't heard anything about it yet.

"Hmm" tae groaned in my neck making me shiver. I ran my hands through his hair kissing his head. "I need to get up" i said but he only pulled me closer if it is even possible.

I giggle trying to push him. "Gimme five more minutes" he mumbled. "But you said that 30 minutes ago" I signed giving up.

"I love you" he mumbled again before kissing my neck softly. "I love you too tae" I said turning around hugging his head. I might as well go back to sleep because he is definitely not letting me go anything soon.


I am currently in doctors room getting checked up. Sitting on top of tae. He had been extremely clingy towards me since I woke up. He would go everywhere with me. I MEAN EVERYWHERE! Even the bathroom.

"I am going to need to check your weight" the doctor announced nervously. I don't blame him when tae is giving him invisible threats.

"Tae quit" I scolded before attempting to get up from his lap but he pulled me back. "Bu-" I cut him off by my glare. "Let me up if you still wanna be near me."

He immediately let me go because he knows I will surely ignore him. Just like couple days ago when he wouldn't tell me why he had under bags.

I finally got up walking to the scale for the doctor to check my weight. He write it down on the clip board. "It will take some time for you to be back to your healthy weight but, your doing better than I expected." The doctor smiled at me making me grin also.

That only lasted short time because of certain someone. I signed just shaking my head. It will surely take a lot of time for him to stop being so possessive.

I literally had to drag him out the room or he would've slathered the doctors head. He shot a guard because he simply helped me up the bed. Thankfully the guard didn't die.

I sat him on our bed as I stood in front of him with not so happy face. "We need to talk" I said arm crossed. He grin pulling me by my waist making me fall on him.

I fall on top of him. I tried getting back up but he pulled me back on him both his hands on my waist. He pecked my forehead, nose, right below my lips teasing before pecking my lips.

He sure do know how to make me forget everything around me within second. "Your not slick" I narrowed my eyes at him. "Your just the most adorable being ever, how can I resist." He smirked.

I blushed before clearing my throat. "You can't keep hurting people because their nice to me" I stated. "Their looking at you with lust, only I can do that" he whined.

"Their not looking at me with lust, they're simply are being kind or doing their jobs" he just blinked with expressionless face. I signed frustrated letting my head fall on his chest.

I felt him remove one of his hands from my waist before I was being flipped. I gasp surprised by the sudden action.

"Tae?" I whispered suddenly getting chills. When he didn't respond I raised my hands reaching for his head but he held my hand mid air. Now looking directly at me.

He kissed my palms still maintaining eye contact with me. He lick my palms next, before sticking his tongue in between my fingers. I was too stunned to speak or react.

It felt weird and warm. Then he started to kiss down my arm till my jaw. All that why keeping eye contact. I didn't realize how fine this man was.

I suddenly grew the need to kiss his lips. I watched the way his lips curved to the side. He saw me starring at his lips. And I know he can read me better than anybody else.

"Do you realize how much of control you have over me?" He said stuttering me. I only look at him not knowing how to respond to that.

"Do you know that if you tell me to jump off a clif I would do it without hesitation?" I gulped when his hand went on to cares my face. "The big scary mafia king is a whipped for a certain boy who doesn't have a clue of what he is in for." He continued.

His hand now dragged down to my lips. He part my lips with his thump inserting his thump in my mouth. I went on swirling my tongue on it suddenly growing needy.

I blinked out of the trace hearing him release the sexiest groan. "Fuck jungkook" he whispered in deep tone. I could swear I almost cum.

I. Want. To. Kiss. Him.

Before I realize what I was doing, I have already connected our lips. How I've missed these lips. I stick my tongue in his mouth, sucking his bottom lips then upper lips all while letting my hands run free in his hair.

He was stunned before kissing me back. He become more aggressive as his hands wondering down to my hips. He held them tightly before running under the shirt. For a second I forgot I had a wound down there.

He suddenly pulled back surprising me. I looked at him confuse. "You just woke up, don't start something you can't finish" he said with Staren look.

I sit up resting my back against bed board looking at the man in front of me. "Fine" I said plainly. His expression suddenly changed into pout looking at my cold look.

"Baby please, I just don't wanna hurt you" he begged pulled me by my legs. How can I be mad at him if he keep looking at me like that.

I give up ruffling his hair. He lied on my stomach.
I kissed his head before closing my eyes but was waken up by the door slamming opening.



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