Ch.4 || INTURDER!!

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3rd POV:
Jungkook and the members of bulletproof were all in the meeting room discussing about their new plan.

"Here's the plan, WWH, JTRK, and the twins, you guys are going to disguise as his men's and gain his trust." Jungkook said resting his hands in the conference table.

"To gain his trust y'all have to let him win in every gambling match, is that clear" he looked at the guy's eyes to see if they got the plan.

" Crystal clear" said jisoo giving okay sign with his fingers. And the rest of the guy's nodded as well.

"Okay, and the rest of us will take action when is time till then, AgustD your coming with me to the company we have a intruder."
Jungkook clapped his hands with that the meeting dismissed.

-At jeon's company ~

Jungkook walked in the house furiously cursing under his breath. Who has the guts to betray the jeons with every step he took his angry level increases, not only did the betrayal ruined his plan he also know his secret identity of him as mafia leader.

He can't just let his gang to fall after making so many sacrifices because of one person and he didn't plan on letting it come apart at least not without a fight.

If my parents find out that I'm a mafia leader all these years without them knowing it, i don't what would happen or what they would think of me. I can't risk telling them that ever, so I'll never let an outsider ruin my family and my relationship just like that.

I made my way through the door having only one thing in my head ignoring the greeting of my employees.

Torture the person to his guts.

"Yoongi bring me the files of the intruder and for now you can toy with him but don't kill him" I went through the organized files looking for a Pacific document.

Why is bangtan interested in our gang?.
I mean our gang is not even near their level and now they want deal-ship I need to look more on that later.

I heard about how merciless they are, getting involved with them is the last thing in my agenda. I shivered with just the thoughts of making a deal with them.

Don't get me wrong I'm not scared of them, I just don't wanna be known as a mafia leader that's why my user name is JK in the underground gaining society attention is the last thing I want right now.

I know for a fact if my gang get involved with bangtan then I'm pretty sure we will be in trouble.

Damnit just when I thought things wouldn't get any worse. I pulled my hair in frustration i need to calm my nerves down right now.

I got up from my sit and stand in front of the big window looking at the city view trying to calm myself as well as try to process everything that's happening right now.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

3rd person POV:

V was in his office filling up the papers when he heard a knock on his door. "Came in" he said in intimating voice.

The door opens revealing RM. "what you want?" V said without even looking up twice. RM just walked up on the sofa in the side of the room and sat on it.

"When are we going to meet the bulletproof gang?" He asked looking at V who's now looking up at RM. "When the time comes" He went back continuously writing on the paper as well as typing on the laptop.

"I wanna kidnap Jin already" RM whined his lips pouting a little but no sympathy shown on his eyes. "You think I do-" V was cut off half way by the door slamming open by nun other then jimin。

"Did you said bulletproof?" Jimin shouted still in the entrance of the big wooden door. "NOCK FOR NAMJESUS SAKE" V shouted making jimin laugh out loud.

"Hyung he said n-namjesus" jimin giggled in between laughters while holding his stomach. RM looked at him unamused.

"Okay, Kay I'll stop laughing" jimin covered his mouth still chuckling. He walked and sit next to RM "so who we kidnapping" jimin sat across from namjoon crossing his legs.

"We're not kidnapping anyone" V  spouted fed up putting his pen down looking deadly at the two boys. "I have my ways, they will come to us themselves when the time comes" evil grin spread across his face.

"Again whom we talking about" jimin asked clicking his tongue on his right cheek dumbfounded.

"Oh my gosh jimin, BULLETPROOF, WE'RE TALKING ABOUT BULLETPROOF" RM shouted breathing heavily from yelling.

Jimin just looked at RM scared with his doe eyes. He turned around looking at V who's typing on his laptop unbothered. "What's with all the commotions" j-hope walked in from the already opened door.

Jimin ran to j-hope hugging him "hoseokie they were bullying me" jimin made fake crying sound with hiccups. Hoseok just patted his head.

"WILL YALL GET OUT AND CLOSE THE DAMN DOOR OR ILL KICK YALL OUT MYSELF" V snapped standing up from his sit. They quickly got out the room not wanting to witness each other's death.



Should I make namjin smut????

Fun fact: I actually wrote namjin smut from ch 4-5 but changed my mind because I thought it was going too fast😙.

Fun fact: I actually wrote namjin smut from ch 4-5 but changed my mind because I thought it was going too fast😙

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