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Yoongi POV:

I scrutinized the photos repeatedly, willing them to transform into something else by some miracle. I knew I formed attachments easily, but I never anticipated them to turn into such jerks so quickly. I chuckled lazily as I downed another glass. I signaled the bartender for another drink, disregarding his concerned expression.

"Sir, this is your third bottle," he remarked, his tone tinged with concern. I met his gaze with a steely glare before speaking. "Have you ever been cheated on?" I asked, fixing him with an lousy stare. "No, but I wouldn't drink my sorrows away if I did," he replied. I tilted my head, intrigued. "Then, what would you do?" I asked, raising my brow expectantly.

"Find somebody better" I squint my eyes in confusion. "elaborate," I said raising the empty glass in my mouth and sticking my tongue out to taste the last drop. "find somebody better than them" he restated the same thing.

"You're right, I can cheat too!"

I struggle to push myself off the chair, feeling wobbly and barely able to keep my balance. As I make my way into the crowded area, the loud music envelops me. I navigate through the throng of people, trying to push through when suddenly I am pulled off to the corner. Annoyed, I look up at the person, but as I meet their gaze, my expression immediately changes, sobering up in an instant.

"Long time no see" I glared at the person yanking off his grip. "Get the fuck away from me" He only smiled, "Still feisty, I see" I pushed past him, the heat of the moment urging me to break free, but he swiftly snatched me by the waist and forcefully pinned me to the corner.

"Why don't you join me for a drink and we can catch up, AgustD," he murmured into my ear, his breath sending shivers down my spine. In a split second, I instinctively flexed my knee, targeting his midsection, but he deftly caught my leg, thwarting my attempt to break free.

"You have the sexiest legs" his hands slide up my thigh. "do you know what else is sexy?" I smirked before slamming my head on his nose, while he released me and covered his bloody nose I took the chance and got out of his grip.

"Why are you such a dick, still haven't changed a bit" I shook my head feeling my hand. "Neither did you" he laughed looking up to prevent his nose bleed. "When did you land here?" I asked looking at his tall self. "Not long ago" Then stared at his wrist, seeing the same brown bracelet from years ago.

"Do I look sexy?" He flashed a smirk as I strolled past him into one of the VIP rooms, his steps echoing behind me. "You know, you're built better than half the female population," he commented, his gaze lingering on me. "Talk about my body again, and you will end up with a broken jaw next" I warned, my voice steady and firm.

The moment we stepped into the room, a spread of drinks awaited us. "So, what's the occasion for drowning yourself in alcohol?" he inquired, fixing his gaze on me while taking a sip of his drink. "Does one need a reason to drink?" I shot back as I finished yet another glass. "In your case, yes!" he interjected, abruptly halting and grabbing the bottle from my hand.

I glared at him and forcefully got up to grab the bottle out of his hands. However, as I tripped, I fell onto his lap. Before I could even comprehend what had happened, I heard the door being slammed open and I was yanked away. As I looked at the person who had yanked me away, I saw the face I despised so much.


I pushed myself away from him and sprinted to Hoseok, who was relentlessly pummeling Jisung. I grabbed him and shouted, "Hoseok, stop! That's my friend!" But he shoved me, causing me to lose my balance and tumble to the ground, while he kept raining punches on Jisung.

"Jimin do something" I screamed at Jimin who was just watching the whole thing unfold. Jisung wasn't fighting back, and he was so close to losing consciousness. I stared at my only option, I got up and grabbed the pistol from Hoseok's back, and aimed at him.

"Hoseok stop it!" I screamed but he didn't even budge nor looked my way, just continuing to abuse Jisung neither did Jimin. "I SAID, STOP IT OR-" I aimed at my head now getting everybody's attention.

"Yoongi don't-" they move making me scoot "DON'T-" I cried out loudly, tears streaming down my cheeks as I pleaded, "Yoongi, don't do that," Jisung said, his eyes barely visible in the dim light. He is in that state because of me, yet he still cares for me. "Put that down," I heard Jimin's voice command. "Don't pretend like you care!" I screamed in frustration and desperation, feeling the weight of the intense emotions in the room.

"I don't know who put those ideas in your head, but right now, I need you to calm down and be a good boy, okay?" Hoseok spoke with a calm and soothing tone, trying to diffuse the tension in the air. "Why do you guys do this to me? What have I done to you guys?" my voice quivered with a mix of confusion and frustration. I broke down. Jimin shifted behind me snatching the handgun out of my grip and embracing me. seconds later I felt another figure joining in.

I grab onto the shirt, my tears flowing, and demand, "Why? Why?" I hit his chest, my heart aching. I don't know when I developed feelings for people who push me past my limits, but I need answers. "Why do you all keep toying with my feelings?" I start pushing to break free when I feel my hair being yanked back.

"Listen, firstly I need you to get this through your head. Never point a gun at you again! secondly, I need you to explain what got into you mmh Babyboy?" Hoseok's tense whisper made me feel uneasy. "I-" Before I could speak, I felt vomit in my mouth. I covered my mouth with my hands, but before I could do anything, I ended up throwing up on Jimin.

I felt much better in my stomach as I gazed at Jimin's unread expression. "I want to go home," I murmured, my eyes barely open. I felt a surge of relief in my stomach as I locked eyes with Jimin's inscrutable expression. "I need to go home," I declared, my eyes barely open. I felt a sense of calm wash over me as I closed my eyes.


Helloooo babes, your author-nim is back!!! I will be finishing this story over this summer! So sorry for leaving y'all hanging for so long😔. I won't be trauma dumping y'all but just know I was gon for a VERY good cost! ILYYSM thank u for still supporting the story it means so much🫶🫶.

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