Ch.35|| "YOU"

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Yoongi POV:

As soon as I regained consciousness, I felt a sharp pain in my head. I instinctively reached for my head and massaged it, letting out a low groan as I sat up and leaned on the bed. I noticed another person in the room when I fully opened my eyes. "You're awake!" he exclaimed, turning around and walking up to the bed.

He grabbed the pill from the table and tore open the wrapper. "Open up," he demanded. That's when memories from the previous night came flooding back. I looked at Hoseok with hatred. I pushed the duvet off me and attempted to get out of bed, but I was pushed back down with my hands pinned above my head.

"Get off me," I struggled, but all in vain. He stared at me with a furious gaze, as if he was about to break me in half. "Don't make me use force," he warned. "Since when do you ask?" I breathed out steadily. "You're right," he said before throwing the table in his mouth and colliding his lips with mine.

My eyes shut closed as I fist my hand. His tongue pushed down the pill as it unconsciously waved down my stream. I bit his lip in return, tasting the bitter taste of blood. His other hand went under my shirt, his large hands grasping my waist; so tight I was sure it left a mark. I gasped, and he immediately grasped my tongue in his as he sucked on it.

My back arched, and his grasp slid down to my hip, down to bottom. He gripped the cheek, I let out a moan. He finally left my lips as I moaned. He started sucking down my neck "H-hoseok-......stop" a single tear slid down my cheek, I bit my lip to suppress the sound. He raised his head, now looking down at me.

"This is the expression that makes me want to fuck you so hard that you forget your name." I stared at him angrily "I hate you!" I breathed out, more tears rolling down. "I'm afraid if you don't stop with the tears, I'm going to have to make you cry out under pressure until you run dry with those tears."

I looked into his eyes and knew it without a doubt. This man is insane; he is absolutely sadistic. I realized it sooner, and that only makes it even scarier. I looked away from him, needing space to clear my head. The photos from last night are still vivid in my memories, and they only fuel my anger at myself.

I knew they were trouble, and I shouldn't have trusted them. I held on to the last string of hope, but it got me into this mess. I blame myself and nobody else. In the process, I ended up hurting people I cared about. I don't even know if Jisung is alive right now. Reading the room and his mood, I'm not even sure what would happen if I mentioned his name. Will it result in his death?

The sum of potential outcomes filled me with incessant worry for him. I could only hope he was currently receiving care at the hospital. "What do you want from me?" I asked, feeling a sense of helplessness. I couldn't fathom anything that I could offer, knowing they had access to anything in the world.

"You!" he answered simply.

His response left me bewildered, causing me to blink in confusion.

Why did they choose me? What sets me apart? I fail to see anything exceptional about myself. There are countless individuals out there who are more than willing to throw themselves at them. Perhaps it's this tired and weathered body that they desire? I never realized that my mere existence could create such trouble.

"You've already used and explored my body till now, toyed with my thoughts. When are you going to get tired of this worn-out body and throw me out?" I desperately beg. "Is that what is roaming around your head?" he questioned with an expression I couldn't figure out. "Does it matter?" I questioned in disbelief.

"Do you know what happened to the last person who disobeyed my command?" He peered into my eyes; his gaze intense. My pupils dilated as I sought the answer within his piercing, light brown eyes. He continued to narrow his gaze, likely waiting impatiently for my response. "I don't want to know," I replied. A smirk slowly spread across his face. "Smart choice."

He released my hands and stood back up immediately taking out a cigarette and placing it in between his lips. I sat up in the bed, feeling my now red-printed wrist. He lights up his cigarette taking in a deep stroke of the intoxicating scent down his throat before removing it out of his lips.

"If he ever touches you again, it won't just be a broken bone next time." He started looking darkly into my eyes before exiting the room.

Frantically, I scanned the room for my phone, finally spotting it lying on the table. With a sense of urgency, I opened my contacts, but to my dismay, realized that I didn't have his contact information. Frustrated, I muttered a curse and lightly banged my head with the phone. Now, I needed to figure out how to obtain his contacts.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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