Ch.12|| FREEDOM?

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3rd POV:

V wasn't so happy about the idea of his bunny leaving him. He was gonna consider letting him out the mansion to see his parents but after today he most likely become more protective.

"Just when are you gonna leave me" jungkook yelled at V's face. V darken his eyes as goosebumps fill jungkook up. "Once your obedient" jungkook would've land a solid hit on his handsome face if he wasn't tied to the bed.

"I'll never fucking be obedient not even in your dreams fuckface" jungkook gritted his teeth as he pulled his hands from the handcuffs-as his hands are marked around his wrist with light red.

"You weren't saying that in our first night" V smirked at jungkook's confuse face. "What the fuck are you talking about?" Jungkook raised his eyebrows in confusion "it would be fun refreshing your memory" jungkook scoot back untill he hit the bed board as V made his way to him crawling with creepy face.

"Back the fuck off" he warned, but he was ignored and continued crawling closer to his face inches apart slight move could connect their lips. V move his hands caressing jungkook's inner thigh as jungkook's breath hitched. How he hated the fact that he felt so vulnerable under him but he would never admit it or show sign of weakness to him not now, not ever.

"W-what are you doing-get off me" jungkook wiggled under him as V grabbed his thigh lifting it getting in between jungkook's legs. V's one leg is resting in between jungkook's two legs.

"Hmm I wonder if I would be able to hear that melody sound from your sugary lips again" V bitted his lips licking at his lips purposely knowing damn well about jungkook's eyes on his lips. Jungkook would be lying if he said he didn't wanna taste those lips again.

"Stop talking nonsense and get off me" V smiled as his smile curve to one side. He slide his hands down till his waist. He grabbed it tightly before going under his shirt feeling his abs ignoring jungkook's protests.

Jungkook's forehead form sweat as he looked at V's evil smirk. He flinched when V pitched his nipples bitting his lips to not let any sound out. "Hehe we're playing hard to get aren't we" V licked jungkook's lips teasingly "uncuff me now and stop this bullshit"

"Answer this question and You will be free within this mansion" jungkook raised his brows in confusion "what is it?" Jungkook asked desperately "do you remember your childhood? As your friends? Or your parents?"

Jungkook tensed up by the unexpected question. It's true he only remember when he was pre-teen and all the nightmare he have had.

"What does my childhood got to do with you?" Jungkook asked confuse by V's expression. He could've swear he saw a slit sadness in those indomitable eyes of his but was quickly replaced with expressionless.

"Don't get too cocky bunny" V warned sharpening his eyes. Jungkook took the hint and started telling him what he knows of his childhood. He don't know what overcome him but he felt the need to tell him everything.

"To be honest I don't really recall any of my early childhood, my parents told me that I was in coma for 5 years but even when I woke up I don't remember anything about me or my surroundings before I went into coma..........I-" V was listening carefully to him then jungkook paused.

He really didn't wanna continue talking about it or his gonna end up losing his cool. He bit his lips turing his head to the side avoiding his steers but all of his eyes was on him nowhere else. V tighten his grip on his waist making Jungkook hist and turn his head back. "What I said about biting your lips" he deepen his voice.

"What you mean?" V poke his tongue on side of his cheek "you have forgotten about the rules didn't you" jungkook looked at V as if he's speaking alien language "what rules?" then realisation hit him like dumbstruck. He was gonna pretend like he has no idea what he was talking about but V already saw through him- it was too late to pretend.

"Hmm I guess you remembered" jungkook is looking anywhere but V's face "let go of my wrist" he cursed under his breath for skipping gym during training days. "Not so fast bunny we're not done here yet" V whispered leaning down to jungkook's ears. "You said you would let me meet hyungs if I tell you about my childhood" jungkook almost whined.

He fisted his hands when he felt V's face on his neck sucking on it. He tried so hard to keep in all the sound that are fighting to come out. V started sucking from side of his neck to down on his collarbones leaving dark hickeys. Jungkook couldn't hold in and let out low groan V smiled at how his bunny isn't protesting anymore. He pulled his head up kissing him on the lips.

Surprisingly jungkook didn't push him instead he kissed back. They were sucking each other's lips like no tomorrow. V deepen the kiss sucking on jungkook's lips till their red and swollen..

He pulled away leaving jungkook breathless, hes looking so fucking sexy in V's sight but his a man of his words. He released jungkook getting up from bed before his hormones takes over. Jungkook on the other hand stayed on the same position breathing heavily confuse on himself for why he didn't try to resist him like he would normally do.

He finally looked back at V scooting himself resting his back on the bed-board "Your allow to go anywhere around this mansion but outside and basement. Understood" jungkook node his head grateful of the fact that he's now at least allow to go out this room. "Wait" jungkook said stopping V at his track.

"Can you please let jisoo go, I promise to tell everyone that I'm safe." Jungkook begged desperately he really doesn't want anybody to get killed because of him. He might be mafia but-On the inside his soft and sensitive human.

V just left the bedroom shutting the door. He don't know how he will tell Jin Hyung if his sister is hurt. But he somehow trust V that he will let her go.

He quickly got up from the bed fixing his shirt. He went to the door expecting to be lock but wasn't jungkook smiled running out the room to find his hyungs.


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