CH.18 || FAINT

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Yoongi's POV:

         This is all my fault, first I got them into this and even hid the fact that I've known them for the longest, the fearless, emotionless Agust-D they have is actually a fucking submissive bottom.

Jin didn't come back, what did i expect I caused the precious boy to cry. I bit my lip to prevent my loud sob from being heard. Pulling my legs up to my chest as I bare my face in them wanting to disappear at this moment. My parents are right, I will always bring darkness to the light, I am disgusting slut who goes around getting fucked in the ass.

I wish this bed could just swallow me. The world would be so much better, I wouldn't have to be burden to anyone or bring dejection to anyone.

My thought got interpreted when I heard two guards outside my door. "I know right poor boy, he looks really young too" the whispers quite down as the guards walk pass the door. 

Who are they talking about? curiosity got the best of me as I open the door peeking my head outside checking to see if the hallways are clear. I quickly pulled my hoodie over as I stepped my foot outside the door since I entered this room a week ago.

I walked around looking for jungkook or jin. Hoping to run into any of them soon. Just went I was about to pass the next door. Loud thud made me stop at my track as I quickly twist the door nob only to see jungkook on the ground. My eyes widen as tears started to gather on my eyes as I shout his name running to him. I screamed for guards, anybody to hear my desperate crying. I picked him up running out the room looking for anybody.

I run down the stairs with him on my back as tears continuously made their way down my checks to my collarbone, I could care less about that right now. I heard people talking in the what seemed to be living room, I ran into them shouting for help. All their heads turn to me as I froze on my track. V give me sharp glare but was quickly replace with concern when his eyes shift to unconscious boy on my back.

I didn't even know what happen by the time I blink my tears away I was on the ground as he snatched jungkook from me. my legs immediately weaken as I meet eyes with of them. "P-please help jungkook! I don't know what happened he was on the ground when I found him" more tears made their way down. I begged clenching my fist my head hanging on the ground. I felt myself being lift-didn't bother opening my mouth or eyes, already having the idea of who it is.

I just cried more on his neck thinking it's all my fault. I can't even protect myself, how will I able to protect them. I'm the worse. He tighten his grip on my hips making me whimper. I'm so pathetic!


3rd person POV:

"IF YOU DO NOT FIND OUT WHATEVER THE FUCK HAPPEN TO HIM BY THE TIME SUN SET, I'LL MAKE YOU REGRET FOR EVER EVEN BEING BROUGHT TO THIS WORLD!." V was going insane. He is going completely outta control, as everybody is too afraid to approach him, knowing only the boy lying unconsciously on bed can control the beast.

", we will try our very best. Please try to calm down" the doctor ensured. V looked at the boy in bed as his face instantly soften, he look at the boy in complete adoration; it's like his the reason why his even breathing each second.
"Boss, kim jongin escaped" he was interrupted by the guard barging in. He raised his left eyebrow as to how he escaped with the high security.

"He also left a message for you" the guard handed him the evolve and left while V was burning in anger-he fisted the paper as you can see his veins popping outta his arms; he left since he doesn't wanna do something he'll regret later on.

" you thought you would stop me from destroying the bulletproof....well sorry to break it to you but sooner or later I'll crash every little thing of bulletproof and that includes you.


"Mr.Kim, it looks like his triggered by lost memory—meaning his recalling his memory which isn't the best-" The doctor pushed his glasses upwards as he continues "it seems like he have lost memories before and trying to remember it—He must've seen something or done something that pushed him to recall it." V stayed with straight face but on the inside his more than delighted that he's trying to recall their childhood.

"However theirs good news and bad news" that caught him off guard "continue" the doctor sighed as he continued "the good news is that he will soon recover his lost memories, but something about his memory is triggering him—it's messing with his brain! However it could be prevent if it's taken action before it gets deep." The doctor pulled up a picture of what is messing with his brain. "What exactly do you mean by this" V asked looking at the picture.

The doctor hesitated before asking knowing his very protective of jungkook "it means he needs to have brain surgery- however the chance of survival is very low" the doctor gulped by the intimidating gaze "isn't their safer way" if it was another person they could've pissed themselves by now. "No, if he doesn't get the surgery done, it may cause him to forget things or even people around him"

"That's all the information I could gather for now-I'll try to find out the cause of this till than try not to let him stress or do any thing that is too heavy" the doctor got up from the couch getting ready to leave. "O and Mr.Kim try not to force him to remember something he has forgotten or that could cause him to forget more. Also take this time to make your decision"

He was left between two very hard places. He can't risk losing his one and only thing that's keeping him balance in this world-but he also doesn't want his baby to forget about him again. He sighed as he looked at the sleeping boy in bed. "What should I do?" He whispered as he went under the duvet spooning him, his scent was enough to take all his worries away. He kisses his forehead as he closed his eyes.


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