Ch.15 || yoongi's flashback (m)

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3rd person POV:

"Same room, be there in 5" dark voice was spoken through the phone sending cold shivers down yoongi's spine.

The call ended, he pushed the phone in his back pocket.

"Jungkook I gotta go, it's an emergency"  yoongi said as he pick up his coat hurrying out the door not even bothering to hear jungkook's response.

He walked out the door quickly as his slender legs can take him.


His heart rate increase as panic took over once his foot made contact with the floor of the dark room. His body trembled badly when the room shut behind him.

Just then the room lights become dim his eyes drew to the dark brown male who's sitting right in front of him, not long before his eyes shifted to the other blonde male to his right before he could even get better view of the man-

He was being pulled by a strong arms wrapped around his waist tightly as his body connect with the well built body releasing a strong groan. He could already feel the hard bulge up his ass, he unconsciously whined, a smirked could be seen in both of the mens faces.

"Little lamb, you know I don't like late shii, now will you be a good boy for daddies and let us devour you as we pleased?" hummed the man behind him as the black haired man got up from his seat, walking up to the two of them.

"Yes daddy, rail me" moaned yoongi by the sudden kissed by hoseok, it wasn't passionate kiss at all, it screams domination. He moved his hands up to the button of hoseok's shirt, unbuttoning his shirt feeling his hard abs.

In blink of an eye his clothes was torn apart as they pushed him on the king sized bed. He balanced his body with his elbows as he watched the two very sexy men took off their tops. Right in front of his eyes. Satisfied smile crawl up on his face by their impressive tattooed body's.

Yoongi's eyes followed jimin's who walked on the closet taking out a black box as he lift the box his back muscles flex making yoongi hard instantly.

"Now, little lamb let's try something new shall we?" It wasn't a question, it was more of a demand that only accept correct answer. As I steer on both of their eyes, I felt their desire. those eyes are something else, their something behind them and I'm so urgent to unfold the meaning behind those dominating eyes.

"Yes daddy, toy with me like your fantasying puppet, ruin me, and rail me to my limits" I said without thinking twice about how dangerous those words was. I saw their faces darken as their lips turn into smirk. I should be scared of that face, I should be scared of them!!. But somehow I am not. I want this, I'm excited to find out what their gonna do with me next.

"Good boy" my dick twitch at that praising. While Yoongi was too busy focusing on his throbbing dick, suddenly he was being tied, his hands tie on his back, around his bare chest. Making it impossible to move.

He started breathing heavily. "Now let's find out how long you can last? Shall we" said hoseok with an evil grin on his face, as goosebumps grew on yoongi's body, as if he already know what they we're going to do next. Jimin wrapped his crotch around his hands thinking he was gonna stroke him but he pushed down cock ring as yoongi wail by the uncomfortable feeling.

Hoseok's hands were wrapped around yoongi's throat in blink of an eye, he was stunned by the sudden action but it wasn't surprising at all. Hoseok tighten the grip on his throat looking straight into his eyes, testing him, waiting for him to drop out, waiting for him to be a pussy and run out this room.

On the other hand. Yoongi was confuse with himself. His air supple was completely cut off, but instead of scared he was being turned on by it. Why isn't he screaming, kicking, or pushing him away like any other normal person would do, but he wasn't normal. What kinda normal person would get turned on by pain.

The hands were released from his throat, jimin chuckle darkly his hands on the bridge of his nose as he shake his head lightly. Hoseok got up from the bed. He picked yoongi up as they opened another door that's attached to the room they previously was in, jimin followed after them closing the door behind him.

The cold breeze fanned his naked body as he shiver. The room was full of sex toys, their so many tools some of it yoongi has never seen before. "Little lamb you had the chance to back down, but you didn't so now you have to handle US" hoseok declared. "Why would I walk here with my own well, just to walk back out!! What's the fun in that" yoongi himself doesn't know where the sudden confidence come from.

"You sure can talk, now let's see if you can handle what we're gonna offer" jimin abruptly throw yoongi on the bed, before yoongi could process what was happening, the windows blades was down, the door was lock as well as the lights than dim the color red. They had him blindfolded, in darkness they devoured him like never before; they used him like a puppet; he experienced things he has never experienced before.

That was when yoongi knew he could never handle them!! Their not humans!! He was messing with fire, and now he had to take the responsibility for it....



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