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I could feel the change of atmosphere in the room by the question I asked. "Baby, I never wanted you to find this out like this-I know you deserve to know the truth about your parents but....." his grip tighten as he pulled me closer if it's even possible; his face snuggled up in my neck, which somehow forms warms feelings in my heart.

"I can't see you in pain. As much as I want you to know about your past, I also don't want you experiencing the traumatising past" what traumatising past I thought as I looked at him confused "I know your confuse but You've already been through a lot already I don't wanna add more to your plate" he tried to smile through pain but no matter how good he is with concealing his emotions I could see something dark inside those dispassionate eyes. Theirs something he's not telling me.

"What's your real name? I know V is not ur birth name"
"Kim taehyung" I could swear on my toes I have heard that name somewhere, it's so familiar but I just can't remember where or when, "does it ring any bells" that signature smirk on his handsome face is just too much. "Maybe"

"I have another question" by the look of it his in good mood I can get him to let me out if I don't resist much, I just need to corporate for now. "Go on" I hesitated for few seconds, what if he gets mad and lock me up again? Or I could just use my popular bunny face to get out of it, I mean why not it always works.

"Can you please just let me go out to see my so called parents I need to confirm something with them" i gritted my teeth just by the thoughts of it. "No, I can't risk it" he didn't even hesitate answering. wow! "Please, I'll behave" I made pouty lips with my adorable puppy eyes, I cringe so hard acting like this. "Baby, I would let you go but it's just that you being my bride spread like a wild fire that now it become really dangerous for me to let you out of my sight, I just can't risk it" i kinda get it being the mob king he must have many enemies. I definitely don't wanna be the target.

"How about you came with me" that shall do it."I have to deal with something, tomorrow we'll see" I pouted uncontrollably. This is not how I usually act it's becoming habit and I'm not ready for it. "Don't pout like that, if you don't want me to devour you like 3 years ago" my face become tomato right before his eyes, those memories flash in my head like a movie trailer.

I pushed him away getting up from his lap with all of strength, "s-shut up" damn this guy is something else. He's discovering every side of me within less than a week. I walked to the door and was gonna twist the door nob but strong arms sneak around my waist tightly. "Darling theirs no way to talk to your husband like that" he whispered in my ears with his baritone, I gulped knowing he probably won't let me go for awhile.

"Your not my husband" he bit my ear as I flinched by his sudden action. "Do you wanna repeat that" I struggle trying to get out of his rough hold. "Let me go, your not my husband" i yipped when he suddenly picked me up from the floor. "Jerk face let me down" how is this man so strong, he must be eating elephant meat.

"You need punishment don't you" what is this man crazy, "no, let me go" he took me to the bed again ignoring my protests, sitting down before laying me across his lap "until you learn to respect your husband your not going anywhere" with that he landed a sharp yet sold hit on my bare ass.

The pain was new type of feeling, it's official this man has lost his mind. Tears made their way down my cheeks on the second hit, "s-stop" my butt stings so bad "count to 15 with every slap, miss one and we'll start over" I tried getting up but another slap was placed on my butt cheek making me fall back into his lap.

"Count" the venomous in his voice almost made me swallow my tongue. I give up, his insane. Again in the same place! "One" i whimpered. It went on and on until the last sold slap I cried out like a big baby, it's all his fault that I'm becoming like this. "f-fifteen" I sniffed as I couldn't feel my butt anymore. "Y-your a monster" he pulled my pants up before picking me up making me sit on his lap again straddling him. I cried more in his chest not giving one fuck about his shirt getting drained by my tears.

"Did I went too hard? Sorry baby" That didn't help one bit , that just made me cry more as I rub in his suit. I hate his stupid praising words that always melts me, I hate his whole who made me let my inner self out. My head hurts from all the crying making my eyes heavy, before long my eyes closed as I fall asleep in his lap too tired from today's event.


I slowly opened my eyes, flashbacks of yesterdays event replayed in my head as I quickly sit up. I looked out the window the sun is just about to set. Huh? Did I slept the whole night or just took a nap. It's still the same day. Where did that beast went? That shameless toeless beast.

I felt my butt isn't hurting as much as before I fall asleep but why does it feel so oily. I got up from the bed and wipe my butt, the strong smell of ointment hit my nostril, my face immediately become red; don't tell me he apply ointment on my butt while I was sleeping??

What in the world is wrong with this man? Now I look at this room it's not the room I used to stay in. It's much bigger than that and the bed is a lot wider too. So is the wall painting. I looked around trying to find anything useful to maybe use it against him.I open all drawer but their only useless stuff in there. That was until a paper fell off when I was about to close the drawer.

I picked up and opened without thinking twice. It was two cute boys, posing for the picture with the cutest smile ever, why they look so familiar doe. Suddenly my head froze, it felt like my brain is having brain freeze, everything started to spin and blurry memories started flashing, a kid was crying, another boy was standing near him; it's the kids from the picture. My brain stopped working and everything become pitch black before I fall on the floor with loud thud.


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