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The wind blows as the curtains waved and tangle around each other. The cycle continued its reaction toward the wind making a peaceful sound in the unconscious boy's room. The room was pretty simple, with serval paintings decorating the room. The bed table with its nightstand. The room had grayish-colored walls with a white ceiling.

The senseless person's bed is comfortable and just big enough for the person. He was laying on his back facing the ceiling. His hands were evenly placed on either side of the bed. He had IV attached to his hand. He looked very fare and innocent. His index finger twitched. He slowly started to move his thump next, then the rest.

He blinked his eyes as he fought the brightness to open his eyes. He moved his left arm covering his eyes from the brightness. The sudden flash of light after being suppressed by darkness for weeks is uninviting. He pitched the bridge of his nose at the sudden headache.


The first thing I witnessed after opening my face was the sudden blaze of sunlight that's pecking through the curtains. I unconsciously lift my arm covering my eyes from the glint. Slowly adjusting to the border light. Throbbing headache made its way to my head as low groan escape my lips.

When I finally open my eyes and fully adjust to my surroundings, I didn't recognize the room. Before long the doorknob was twisted open. There stood what looked like the caretaker for me. She was holding a clipboard to her chest with shocked look on her face with my confuse look.

She ran back out the door before I could react, she came back with the same clipboard. She hurried towards me standing next to my bed checking the monitors and adjusting the drips. "What happened?" I asked since she didn't say anything to me but checking all the things that are attached to me.

"Are you experiencing any headaches or muscle pains?" she asked avoiding my question. I node my head my throat being dry and uncomfortable. "Here take these. They should help ease with the aches and pains" she handed me a drug with water bottle. I throw it into my mouth following with the water afterwards.

"How long was I sleeping for?" I asked again. "To be exact, about 8 weeks". I was in state of shock from the statement. I would've never guessed. Then I remembered Jin and Yoongi who must've been so worried.

A sudden realization snapped me. V? no, Tae. I held my head from the unannounced ache occurring on my head. Tae, he carried me here. I remembered the look of mix emotions in those orb eyes that are very hard to read. He looked very worried yet very angry. I couldn't quiet conclude the final answer to his reaction.

From what I have remembered, he seems to blame himself for all of my trauma. Sure, I was disappointed and angry about how he parted from me, but I also understood that he did all of that for my sake. He was a kid himself back then, he just wanted to protect me but how could he when he was just a kid and didn't understand the dirty tricks of this monopoly.

He was very protective. I wonder how he concealed his tamper. He said he was going to be by my side when I wake up yet, here I am with only a nurse that barely response to me. I started to get irritated thinking about his disloyalty.

Not long the door burst open studding me. I looked at the door and there stood Yoongi with teary eyes before running to my side crashing me to his chest. "Kook, are you really awake?" said Yoongi with Shakey voice. "Yes Yoongs, it's me. I am awake and fine" I answered pulling away from the hug.

"Do you know how worried we was? I thought I lost you forever." He cried again hugging me. I just patted his back kind of stuttered by his odd behavior. He usually is not the type to cry and seeing him shade tears made me soft for him. " I am fine and won't let myself get in danger again, okay?" I assured. Again, pulling off the clasp now whipping his tears with my thump.

He hiccupped nodding his head. He looked like a kid who just cried because he felled and bruised his knees and being concealed. "How have you been?" I asked after he calmed down from the emotion break down. He sat next to me and looked at me before speaking.

"So much happened I don't know where to start" He said making himself comfortable in the bed. "Well, start from the beginning" I started. "Okay so, I almost died before you got abducted. And then, V went on kill spear and killed over hundreds of people. He became depressed and lost control of his emotions. We accept the fact and join the Bangtan and go on missions almost every month. Mingi and Lee got killed."

My heart stopped beating for a second. Mingi and Lee, they were my trusted subaltern. They were trusted buddies. Their laughter filled the room as flash of them teasing each other. They weren't just my gang members; they were a family.

I snapped back to reality when Yoongi shakes me out of the fantasy. I didn't realize a tear escaped my eyes. "Kook?" he called as I looked at him with blank stare. "Hey, snap out of it, you just woke up you can't experience too much emotions yet"! He uttered panic laced in his voice.

I took a long breath not realizing I was holding in my breath for that long. That was complete shock to me and stinged me deeply. "Where's Tae?" I asked trying to change the subject. He looked at me confuse, I almost forgot they probably don't know V's real name yet. "I mean V" I cleared my throat.

"He never tells anyone where he is going, he always leaves and come back in bad mood." God knows where he goes. I keep forgetting he is a psychopath. A shiver ran down my spine from the thoughts of the look on his face when his in bad mood. "How about Jīn?" I asked out of curiosity because he is usually the type to break his leg running to see me if he heard that I am awake.

"Rm and him are in a mission and were supposed to be back by now" he said checking his phone. No wonder. "I need to use the restroom" I voiced out to the nurse. "of course," She stands up walking over to me getting the IV stand and offered to help me stand up in which I refused.

My feet touching the floor made me relief a breath as I fully stand walking to the restroom dragging the clipart with me. I shut the door after entering with difficult due to the muscle aches. I hold on to the counter to balance myself. Looking up at the mirror in front of me. I looked at my pale face with messy hair. My hair grew longer than before now almost covering my eyes.

I did My business and soon notice the scare on my front hip. I traced the scare wincing when I accidentally pushed too deep. Is not that noticeable due to the big octopus tattoo on my hip. I had multiple tattoos in my body. I had butterfly tattoo on my back neck and arm full as well.

I heard few communions outside immediately recognizing the voice. The door to the bathroom busted open shocking me. It was noun other than V himself. He looked shocked and surprised just as much as I am. His eyes looked so pure, he seemed to not believe what he is seeing. "Jungkook".


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