Ch.14 ||MARKED?

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3rd POV:

      V made his way down the basement to the long dark pathway that leads to Who knows where. The hallway looks so suffocating just from the sight of it.

As he stroll down the prison cells one of the guards opened the door to one of the cells letting him in. He looked at the girl sitting in the bed looking tranquil as ever.

"You look calm, for someone who's in the hands of mob king" V said as he took a sit on the chair, the guards just place it on the side.

"Cuz I know you won't hurt me" jisoo simper confidently V chuckled at jisoo's assertiveness"And what makes you say that?" Jisoo shuddered by the sudden change of aura around the room.

"Cuz-"  He interpreter her getting to the point "I have questions for you" she raised her head immediately regretting afterward, she almost pissed her pants by the significant look on V's face.

"How long have you been around jungkook for?" Jisoo looked looked confuse for a second "for about 7 years" he node his head to the side. "Why" she asked hesitantly "would you do anything for jungkook?" He steered at her expressionless, sweat form on jisoo's forehead as she look at those eyes which she somehow can't keep it contact with even one full second.

"Yes.....yes I would-if it wasn't for him me and my brother wouldn't be breathing this air right now, we own him our lives" she said Sincerely as tears made their way down at the sudden memory flash. "Great than, I need you to do me a favour"


A knock was heard on the door making the crawled up boy in the bed Flinch. Another knock was made. The boy slowly got up from the bed and quickly throw a hoodie and pants on before limping to the door. He open right the moment another knock was about to land, his eyes widen at the unexpected people "yoonggsss" he was immediately crashed into a tight hug by the four arms. He hugged back as tears made their way down his cheeks unconsciously.

"What had happened to you?" "are you alright?" Jungkook and Jin asked immediately pulling out from the hug. "Why are you crying? Did they hurt you?" Jin asked as he whipped yoongi's tears off his cheeks. "N-no" his voice sounded so dry he barely form the word.

"O yoongi's what have they done to you?" Jin pulled yoongi to the bed as they both sit down, jungkook sitting on the right as Jin sitted on the left. "M-my th-throat" he tried to explain but his throat hurt with any sound he released. "You punk, go get a doctor, or don't tell me you guys don't have doctors either" jungkook called out to RM who's still leaning on the door.

"Yah, don't disrespect me, I'm your Hyung" RM argued back. "Just go before I get the pan" Jin glared at RM, who left in speed of light before even making eye-contact with Jin.

"I swear if I lay hands on them, they won't see the daylight of next day" Jin breathed out. Jungkook poured water on glass giving it to yoongi which I believe will help with the dry throat.

Yoongi's hoodie slide off he's head when he tilled his head up to drink the water. Catching Both Jin and jungkook's attention their eyes widen in shock as they look at yoongi who's confuse by their facial expressions. "What?" He asked in puzzlement? "T-they marked you" they both stated at the same time.

Yoongi quickly covered by wearing his hoodie, with unreadable face. "How? I mean when?" Jungkook stuttered out stilled in state of shock. "Does it hurt?" Jin asked as he reached his hand to pull the hoodie back down. "I-I don't know, it just happened" yoongi said as he scot back on the bed.

"Look at you, you look so pale" Jin shake his head in disappointment. "I knew meeting them was a bad idea" jungkook add. "Now not only did we lose our gang but our freedom as well" Jungkook pulled his hair in frustration.

Jin slap jungkook's head "we don't think negative, he thinks you guys know each other from the past, so we'll just try to get you to recover your memories than we're good" now that caught yoongi and jungkook's attention.

"You see that's the problem, I can't recall any memories of him, ion even know what he was to me before" as he said that he looks like a lost puppy with doe eyes.

"I think I might know what he's talking about"


Obedience//KTH.JJK//  18+Where stories live. Discover now