Ch.20 || FAIR FIGHT! ⚠️

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A/U POV: {blood⚠️}

Jungkook heavily begin to gain his consciousness with horrible headache. He slowly started to lift his eyelid but was meet with unfamiliar sight as he started to panic. He just than realized that his arms and legs were tied on the bed.

There wasn't anybody in the room. He looked around the room but was empty, it looked more like motel than actual bedroom. That's when it hit him hard.

"Shit" he cursed struggling trying to release himself from the rope that's biting his skin and ankles."Nah uh, I wouldn't even try that if I was you" a voice brought his focus on the doorway.

There stood a guy with blue hair about the same height as him with cocky grin on his face. "Y-you are?" Jungkook neat his eyes, arching his brow in confusion.

"Does dying my hair also changed my face shape?" Now his the one giving him the look. "Seriously, I really don't know you" He shone his head with straight face.

"Are you playing dump with me?, you know just cuz I lost once to you doesn't mean I'm actually dump" choked giggle was released from the tied man. "You lost to me? On what?" He spoke trying to stifle the arg to burst out laughing.

"Not important" he replied almost immediately. "You know I wouldn't be laughing if I was in your shoes" he smirked pacing back and forth.

"Can I ask, why am I tied to a bed?" The blue head looked at the tied man with done face. "YOUR OBVIOUSLY KIDNAPPED, AND YOUR NOT IN THE POSITION TO BE ASKING ME ANYTHING, INSTEAD YOU SHOULD BE FEARING FOR YOUR LIFE" he inhaled sharply afterwards.

"Jeez no needed to shout, I'm literally a feet away from you" you could see sign of regret on the bluehead man's eyes. "Could you at least tell me your name? And my throat dry I need water too"

"Did your parents ever taught you to listen" he shoke his head in frustration "my parents are dead" an awkward silence fall through the room.

"W-well sorry for your loss?" Stuttered the blue head man "if your sorry can you at least tell me your name or where am at?" Tied man asked "KAI, happy?"

"Why does that name sound so familiar.." kai was so ready to just end this man's life right here and than. "That's because this isn't the first time we met" he forced smile at the man before switching back to blank face.

"You've wasted enough of my time let's get to the point, your here because I wanna destroy the mob king along with you and your the key to his throne."

"I think you misunderstood, I don't know who you talking about but I don't have any connections with mob king, so if you think his gonna waste his energy to come here to save me than your wrong mr"

"Oh that only depends on by the time he receive the message" the confident smirk on his face made jungkook nervous. He didn't want other people being hurt for his actions.

"What message?" Jungkook asked outta curiosity. "That's not any of your business, you just sit back down and enjoy me killing the love of your life right in front of you" the menacing laugh made jungkook even more confuse on what he was talking about.

"Okay, now I really think you mistook me for somebody else" he let it out with determined look on his face. "Why? Is the mob king not the love of your life?" The menacing laugh was now replaced with confusion.

"No, I was kidnapped by him than suddenly I was his bride and not long I'm kidnapped again from my other kidnapper" that caught kai off guard.

"Wait really?" He stuttered. "Yeah, and now your done for it" now jungkook is the one who's smirking "what you mea-" his words cut short with painful scream.

A sharp blade was aimed right on his left eye. This whole time jungkook was talking nonsense to distract him from what he was doing. He was rocking the rope with his blade the whole time. Dumb of them for not searching him.

While kai was too busy covering his eye trying to stop it from bleeding. Jungkook took that chance quickly untied his ankles right before the guards barged in.

He jumped in attacking the guards thanks to his excellence skill in martial arts he defeated the few guards that burst in with wound on his abdomen but he locked the door before any other guards barged in.

He didn't show any pain on his face despite the fact that his abdomen was paining like bitch. "Listen kai or whatever your name was, you best better tell the rest of the guards to leave or I'll kill you right here and than" Kai laughed psychopathically getting up from his kneeing position.

The same blade jungkook throw was aimed right on his skull but thankfully his quick reflex caught it.

But he failed to notice the second blade that went for his lower abdomen. "Fuck" he cursed quickly reaching for his lower abdomen pulling the shank out with painful groan.

"You think you would take me down that easily" kai spoke taking step closer with every word. "no, I didn't think so" he smiled weakly holding down his wound with one hand.

Both of them were in pain but they both were way over their heads to back down. Their pride was on the line.

"I don't need weapon to take you down" he took out his pistol unloading it dropping the ammo on the ground before throwing the pistol on the bed. "Let's do this the old way, since we're both in pain I'll make it fair fight"

"Okay then let's end this once and for all"


Obedience//KTH.JJK//  18+Where stories live. Discover now