Ch. 22|| COMA!!

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~Four months later~

"Mr.Kim, the vipers are getting out of control. They wanna know your answer." V's dark gaze was clear answer for the Sacred girl as she immediately exited the room. The room become quiet again.

The past few months have been hell for everybody that interact with V.  He has gone insane. He has lost his mind completely, and nobody DARES to question his action or confirm him about his abnormal behavior.

It all started when the only person who kept him stable fell into coma due to the brain surgery. The chances of survival was very low. Every top doctor had examined him and had told him the same answer.

But he refused to accept that answer. He knows that his feisty bunny is strong and someday he will wake up for him. He believe in him.

He went on kill strike for couple of weeks to take his rage out. Everybody in the mansion knows that his mentally unstable but they were never going to speak a word about it unless they don't value their lives anymore.

He sat at the same chair, same place he sat down everyday for hours admiring the sleeping beauty. He leaned closer to the sleeping man tugging his hair behind his ear, now having full view of the most precious, prettiest and vulnerable person in his eyes.

Leaning even closer till his lips made contact with the sleeping beauty's forehead. Repeating the same routine everyday for the past few months. An smile crave up on his attractive face before he stood back up.

Tugging the duvet carefully around the man before leaving the room as his smile dropped right after exiting his happy place. His beautiful and caring nature was now replaced with  psychotic one again.


"If it isn't the king himself" snickered the man who claims to be the leader of vipers. "I was starting to get impatient waiting out here for too long you know" smirked the leader of vipers playfully.

"Too bad the first expectation for getting the contract signed by me is patience" said V tilting his head with poker face. "And you just made it clear that your not willing to follow the conditions that are applied on this contract and it's making me reconsider my decision"

Now that hit the nerve of the leader of vipers making him grit his teeth under his masked face.
"Now that wouldn't be necessary, I was just curious to what made the king delay today since his always on time on occasion such as this" nervous laugh escaped his lips at the thought of making V angry.

"Oh really? Seems like you know me quiet well, but your forgetting important aspect of me" V's unreadable expression makes it hard for anyone to guess his next move or words. And slightest wrong move could easily end your life.

"I don't tolerate those who disturb me or those who can't follow the rules." By now his face darken in annoyance.

"Mr.Kim we don't really need to get on to that now, shall we just finish up with the contract" He smiled but was dead cursing the man in front of him.

Next thing he heard was a gun shot and a dead body of one of his body guard and a annoyed V with gloomy aura.

"I thought I made it clear on the contract to never go against the rules" now he was looking at the leader with tilled head and the gun on his right hand hanging loosely.

The leader was too stunned at the sudden uncall. He didn't even realize he paused his action and was shaking slightly. "Mr.Kim I think you misunderstood us"

"Now your calling me a liar?" Says V as he arch his one brow. "No, Mr.Kim I wouldn't dare" the man that was once being all cocky and carefree is now shaking to his doom in front of a one person who he underestimated.

"Now I don't want the contract between your gang and my gang anymore" he said as he stood up from the black armchair. "You can't do that-" he was quickly cut off with sharp gaze from V.

" Says who?" He replied looking down at the other gangs leader.  "You know that both our gang will suffer from this, so please reconsider this" he really can't let this chance go just like that. His gang wasn't weak or anything like that it's just the bangton is on top of the food chain and he can't afford to offend them.

"I would rather have my gang suffer than waste another second with you" with that he walked out the meeting room completely ignoring the man who's trying to reason with him.

"Kick them out"
I wanna apologize again for the long wait. It's just that theirs no storyline for this and it's becoming hard to continue but I also wouldn't wanna leave my Besitzs hanging😫. And AGAIN THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCHHH FOR 34K READERS🤧 IDEK HOW TO THANK YA FOR THIS🫶 I RLYYYYYYYYYY APPRECIATE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YA AND ILYYYYYSSMMMMMM💞💞💞🫶🫶🫶🫰🫰🫰🫰


If ya are not lazy rn I would love to hear ya opinion of the story so far. ya can tell me what I could improve on or just ur opinion in general.

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