Ch. 32 || SURPRISE🔞

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Jin POV:

"KIM NAMJOON IF YOU DON'T LET ME DOWN THIS SECOND" I shouted squirming in his hold trying to get away from him. Before I could protest more, he kick the door open throwing me on the bed with him hooved over me.

"CAN YOU JUST FUCKING LISTEN TO ME FOR ONE SECOND" he shouted at my face with my hands pinned. I was taken back by his outburst and forgot to breathe for a second. I guess he was surprised as well. He signed as he placed his head in my chest.

"Please Jin, just listen to my explaintion" he said with broken voice as he loosen his grip. I stayed still waiting for him to continue.

"Nothing happened at the motel, it was for a mission. I had to cooperate with him for the sake of the mission. There was no physical touch or anything. Plus his married" I was taken back from his statement.

"Do you not trust me? Why would I dare think or look at somebody else when I have this goddess as my wife" He whispered the last sentence with lazy eyes eyeing my lips. I fucking swear this man is a bipolar. He licked his lips before devouring my lips with aggression.

I kissed him back with the same energy. Angry at myself for ever doubting him. I ran my hands over his hair as his hands went under my shirt. I moaned from his cold hands roaming under my shirt. I griped his hands from farther movement as I pulled away from our make out section.

"I'm still sore from last night, you damn near broke my back" I scolded him as he chuckled playfully. "If your complaining from just four rounds, how are you going to handle the real me?" He asked pecking my lips as he hugged my stomach.

"What do you mean by that" I asked him confused. He only chuckled putting his head under my shirt.



"Jungkook over here" Jisoo Shouted waving at Jungkook. He smiled walking over to Jisoo hugging her. "You didn't tell me you were coming?" Jungkook said with his eyebrows raised. "I wanted to surprise you" Jisoo smiled.

" You could've done it at the mansion" Jungkook rolled his eyes at Jisoo sarcastically. "I did, I left my belongings in the mansion as well" Jisoo defended herself. "whatever," said Jungkook walking towards the training area.

"Baby you still haven't fully recovered yet," said V walking towards Jungkook with an annoyed face. "I'm not lifting heavy weights so it's fine" Jungkook replied lazily. He pouted back hugging him and kissing his neck. "stop there are people" Jungkook blushed trying to release himself from V.

"I don't care, let them watch" Jungkook signed turning around now facing him. "You're so shameless" he shook his head giving up as V pulled him closer his hands around Jungkook's petal waist. "Baby when it comes to you, I will knee and suck you dry in front of the whole gang" Jungkook's face turned tomato as he rushed away from him.

"Baby don't leave me"


Yoongi POV:
I released a deep breath as I opened the meeting room door. Everybody turned their heads before turning it back around to the big screen in front of them. I looked at the seat between Jimin and Hoseok quickly making my way onto the empty seat.

Not even a minute passed and I felt a hand on my thigh. His hands started to go farther before I abruptly placed my hands above his stopping his movement. I looked up at the person and saw Jimin's slay smirk.

I knew nothing good is going to appear from that look. "Don't-" I flinched letting out a loud gasp grabbing everyone's attention again from the sudden throb in my abdomen. "S-sorry please continue" I apologized as everybody returned to their duty.

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