Ch.3 | FLASHBACK (m)

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~(cringy smut ahead ⚠️)~


I don't know what's happening to me I can't think straight. My mind is messed up and cloudy it tells me I'm in danger but my body is betraying me and submitting to this guy whom I don't even know.

"Ahhh...ughhh" a sudden pain strike through my lower bottom making me tighten the grab on his neck as well as his waist I guess the drug is taking it's effect.

Suddenly he throw me on the bed Hoover over me, pining my hands over my head with one of his hands while his other hand pulled my chin up for me to look at him. I can't see clearly because of the tears that gathered in my eyes but I can tell his face is pretty handsome even with blurry visual. Before I could process what's happening I felt something warm touch my lips. I widen my eyes.

i lost my first kiss that I have been saving it for 22 years of my life and about to loss my virginity to a complete stranger whom I meet like 20 minutes ago.

I couldn't hold back anymore I kissed back only for him to leave my lips again. I whined at lose of contact with him. I heard him chuckle with his imaginary deep and husky voice that could make me cum within second. He kissed me back again but rougher this time. He rubbed my already hard as rock crotch with his knee making me moan. He took that to his advantage and thrust his tongue in my mouth exploring every inch of it, he rubbed my member again making me arch my back while clutching on to the sheets for my dear life.

After what feels like forever he let me catch my breath. I start breathing faster to get all the oxygen before he take the last remaining out of me. I know for a fact I look mess right now with half button shirt as well as messy hair mix with sweat. "Oh mine, What a heavenly sight" he spoke with his rough yet calm voice. Sudden heat strikes me like a I have been stroke by a lightning again.

I started breathing heavily again wanting to be touched so bad. "It........h-hurts" I can't speak clearly firstly I'm out of breath secondly because this hottie on top of me isn't making it any better.

"Please what bunny" he teased again just watching me struggle under him like a horny omega in heat, which basically I am . "T-touch me" I cried out this time. Feeling like someone is boiling me alive, I need affection now. "Where do my bunny wanna be touched?" he teased again roaming his hands on my waist. I'm really about to burst right now. "Please......daddy I want you inside me" I surprisedly uttered out without stuttering. Within blink of an eye I'm all naked in front of this beast having him looking at me like I'm a whole course meal to him.

I felt so exposed but I can't do anything with my hands pinned above my head with me not having a single energy to move. My thoughts got interpreted by his dominating voice. "All wet for me already" just then I felt warming liquid run down my thighs. He wipe that with his hands and brought to my face "you're only allowed to be wet because of me, got it babyboy?" he declared with demanding voice making me nod instantly. I felt a affliction on my right thigh making my tears roll down instantly.

I instantly knew my mistake "y-yes d-daddy.........only yo-your allowed to t-touch me" I spoke out like it was written in my head. "My bunny is a fast learner is it he?" he whispered in my ears before I open my mouth to speak complete opposite words came out of my mouth "ahhh....mghhh" he squeezed my member stroking it fast I hold my breath without knowing"" he stroke it fast, I released with loud moan, finally breathing.

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