Ch.11 || ESCAPE! (M)

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3rd POV:

      It's the 2nd day already and jungkook was still in the room and wasn't allowed to leave the house. Jin and yoongi nun of them meet each other either.

And V didn't visit jungkook either and jungkook is dying to meet V right now so he could go out. He got whole gang and business to run for and his parents as well.

"Please young master came out and eat anything at least, Mr.Kim went on mission and isn't back yet" the butler pleaded trying to get jungkook to open the door and get him to eat. He didn't eat anything since V left and didn't even felt hungry when anybody mentions V.

"Young master please don't make it hard for me, at least open the door" the butler begged still standing by the door. But jungkook stayed quiet laying in the bed his back facing the door. All of sudden the the butler quiet down and it become salient, jungkook sigh in relief.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・V・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

In the other hand V couldn't wait to see his baby. He finished his mission yesterday but he was dealing with kai's situation. And also because the underground heard about V's bride and now know his weakness and are trying to get to jungkook so that's why he couldn't let him out the mansion.

"LM don't make me repeat cover this shit up and deal with however you want just don't get in my way" he threaten, his voice was like reptile. she shivered by his roughness and went out the office.

When he received a message from the butler that jungkook haven't open the door since he left and didn't eat anything his angry increase making him dash out the door. He speeded the car over 200mph Ignoring the police sirens and the red lights. Noun of that mattered to him at that moment! The only thing in his mind right now is his bunny.

:.。..。.:*・yoonminseok・*:.。. .。.:

          "P-please I won't run again just let JK go" yoongi begged clinging on to the bed sheets trembling as jimin thrust into him like no tomorrow. They been fucking yoongi since they caught him and he haven't even stood up since then because his legs won't work.

"Sorry kitten that's something V would never do and about you running away you won't have the chance trust me—ahhh yessss fuck" he cummed in yoongi with his last thrust.

"Fuck look at that, it makes me wanna go for round 4" he licked his lips eyeing yoongi's red ass with slick coming down his pink hole. "N-no" his voice barely audible he really couldn't take another round or his whole body will shut down—no words could describe how exhausted he is—he really need a break to relax down his body.

He lifted yoongi like like he weight nothing and took him to the bathtub. "J-jimin....please can you at least try to convince him.....his parents gonna get suspicious if his gone for too long" yoongi rested his head on jimin's hard chest as he relaxed down and let his body relax as well.

"Kitten understand that what V wants he gets it, You can talk to him but I don't think V would allow him out especially since he's his bride now" jimin pecked yoongi's nape. "I can see him? Can I now?" Yoongi asked excitedly kinda confuse on why jimin was being so nice.

"Yes you can see him kitten, but not now V's not here when he's here you can" yoongi node his head. "What about Jin? What happened to him" yoongi asked again his voice very low due to exhaustion. "Don't worry about others so much kitten" jimin warned tightening yoongi's waist making him whimpered.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・JK*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Jungkook got up from  the bed when his room door was unlocked. His eyes widen—he thought it was V but his eye's widen in surprise. "Jisoo what are you doing here, do you have a death wish" jungkook whisper shouted.

"We don't have time Comon let's go" jisoo pulled jungkook out the room tiptoeing down the hall trying to keep less noise as possible. They quickly hid in the corner when two guards went pass them in front of them. "Am pretty sure we won't go pass the front door so did you come up with a plan or just came and what about Jin and yoongi?" jungkook whispered following jisoo tiptoeing behind her. Only if they knew that cameras were in every corner of the mansion.

"I know we don't have a shot by the front door that's why I made a secret door, and about yoongi and Jin we can't bring them with us now—we have high chance of getting caught with more people and for now we need you the gang needs you as well as the company" jisoo whispered as he opened a small door inside a storage getting in.

"What happened to my parents?" Jungkook asked as he dive in the small cave looking around it's dark so jisoo hand him a flashlight as they crawled through the hole." About your parents, they haven't gotta suspicion about your disappearance yet—but they arrange an marriage" jungkook immediately tensed up shiver going down his spine by the sudden image that appeared in his head of angry face of V. He had absolutely no clue on why that appeared.

"What do you mean by an arrange marriage?" Jisoo kicked open another small door crawling out with jungkook following behind. But jisoo frozen immediately when he notice her plan has failed and they got themself in bangtan's trap. she knew they had no shot but she still risked her life. Even thought she was suspicious when no alarm went off and how the hallways were so empty."What's wrong-fuck" jungkook cursed when guards surrendered them.

Jungkook and jisoo looked at each other in the eyes and thought 'we will take them' stretching his arms ready to fight them off, even thought he's good at martial art he's dumb when it comes to knowledge.

Jisoo node as they attacked the guards but they notice that the guards are not fighting them and just trying to dodge their moves. They stopped their action when a sport car pulled up behind the guards—they looked at the guards who lined up side by side bowing 70 degrees. They immediately snapped back to reality when they heard a deep voice. "Bunny never learns it's lesson does he?" jungkook froze by the heavy voice. He could've sweared he have heard that voice somewhere before. Before he meet him!

"Guards take her to the basement" two guards came and tried to take jisoo who was fighting them but ended up getting knocked out it wasn't surprising when the guards are professionals. "Bastards hands off her" jungkook fisted his hands in angry but before he even took next step V appeared behind him in blink of an eye knocking him out by hitting him in the nape. again! V's eyes darken as he catches jungkook's body before it made a contact with the floor.

The guards took jisoo inside as V picked jungkook bridal style and took him to the car driving away to the mansion. 


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