Ch.26// NAMJIN PT.2 🔞

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"When I ask you to use your words, you use them, okay love?" He smiled before walking over to me. "How about a no" I challenged knowing damn well how dangerous this could get me. He smirked before holding my jaw and licking my lips. I gazed at his eyes and there was something behind those eyes I can't seem to figure out.

It's like a deep desire of his that his trying to hold back. Is he afraid to unfold his deep desire? or does he think I won't handle it? But I want him to let it free and try all of his darkest desires on me and nobody else. The thought of him with somebody else makes me draw blood out of my palms.

I bite my lips as I continued to study at his eyes. But I failed to notice what he grabbed from the box. "I don't like when somebody challenges me, and you think you can handle me." It came out more of a question then a statement. "And what if your wrong?" He continued to keep that smirk on his stupidly handsome face.

"I guess we will just have to find out." He smiled before wrapping a gag around my mouth before I could open my mouth again. "Good boy" He praised me then persuade to kiss my forehead. He walked back next to the box grabbing something out of it that I couldn't seem to recognize.

The way he was standing under the dim light with sadist mug somehow turned me on. But I need answers right now. Except that I have a fucking gag ball down my throat. "Do you know that I dreamt of chaining you to my bed so you would never run away from me?" He smiled chuckling playfully.

"Or all the darkest dreams I had of you? Do you know how much self-control I obtain to contain myself from lunching myself at you?". I was speechless. But he kept going on and on about his fantasy about me. "Seeing you wrapping your hands around that little rascal was the last straw."

He started tracing down my chest with his hands alerting the goosebumps on my body. He stops at my left nipple flinging it making me bite the gag ball. "Do you know that I even dreamt of piercing these nipples and tattooing my name on these delicate hips?" He continued tracing his hands down my entire body while praising every part of my body.

He knows what he is doing. He knows the effect he has on my body and is trying to break me to the world of submission in his command. I didn't even know my body as much as he did, and it scares me. It scares me that he knows exactly what my body wants. "And I am going to explore every part of this body and mark it mines forever."

Somehow, I think those words have a different meaning. But I am more frustrated at the lack of attention on my abdominals. "Looks like somebody is angry down here" He laughed softly poking the tip of my member. I hissed at the feeling. "I guess I should treat it well before we get down to business, shall we?"

He picked up what seems to be a cage- I pulled the belt on my wrist at the realization. It wasn't any kind of cage; it was cock cage! "Seems like the puppy recall something." The feeling of metal on my skin made me shiver really hard. It felt too tight and uncomfortable.

"Since you wanted to be a bad boy, I would treat you like one." He flipped me having my arms twisted as he turned me into doggy style. My body was arched, and bottom half exposed to him. I wish I could see his sadistic reaction, but my face was facing the mattress instead.

He held my hips ever so gently before he tightens his grip like I was trying to get away from him and his restraining me from movement. I am sure he left marks on my hips with the aggressive clutch.

He seizes both his hands on either side of my hips sliding down to my upper body, before his hands find its way to my nipples as he grasps them both pitching them. His whole body was over me as I can feel his naked upper body on my back. He continued to abuse my nipples and kissing my neck and back that I'm pretty sure its fully marked by now.

Obedience//KTH.JJK//  18+Where stories live. Discover now