Ch. 31 || TAEKOOK🔞

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He groaned as I pulled away from the heated make out section. I giggle at his annoyed face picking up my phone.  "Hello" I spoked on the phone. "Hi Jungkook, it's me Jisoo". I turned around from his lap giving my back to him as I excitedly got invested into the conversation.

I felt Tae's hands go under my shirt and his face on my back. I could feel him kissing me through the fabric. He made it to my bare neck making me tap his leg as a warning. "Focus on the call" he whispered and went on to kiss my neck then went on to sucking.

I was stuttered. I bit my lips gulping hard to prevent the nose from escaping. "H-Hi Jisoo, how you been?" I somehow worded out. "Of course, I have been terrible after my boss was careless and almost got himself killed." She scolded.

I grip Tea's thigh hard to stop him from marking my body at the moment but of course, he ignored my pleading. I am sure I bruised my bottom lips from biting it so hard. "I-I'm sorry jisooya okay?" I said playful.

Tae pushed me down on the bed as he hovers on top of me licking his lips enjoying me suffer. "If you're so sorry, then start to take care of yourself and I better not hear you getting injured again or I will personally go and end you."  She said angrily as I chuckled.

I haven't realized my shirt was off and my pants were next. I held his shoulders as a warning but clearly, instead he kissed my bruised lips then continued to kiss down the rest of my body.

"H-Have you been taking care of yourself as well or you been too busy worrying about me."  I dig my nails into his shoulder. He looks up at me satisfy from my expression.  I looked aroused. face red, sweaty body, swallow lips, etc.

"Don't worry about me. I been fine just get a lot of rest and get better soon." Jisoo replied in calm tone. "fuck" I gasped uncontrollably. completely forgetting about Jisoo being on the line. I pushed Tae off of me flipping us over as I sat on top of Tae, looking right at his gaze. Hands on his chest to keep him down.

"I'll get some rest and call you back" I said in angry tone before ending the call and throwing the phone somewhere in the night drawer. I looked back at Tae and he had this mischievous smirk on his face before thrusting his hips upper at me moaning my name, while still keeping direct eye contact.

"Darling your so sexy when your angry" He bit his bottom lips groaning sexily, his hands on my hips.  "Oh yah?" I challenged eyebrows raised.  "Yes baby, I wanna fill you up with my cum till I see a bump here. Just like three years ago." He said caressing my toned stomach. His deep hoarse voice made me so hard to control myself.

I grind on his visibly hard member. "Jungkookkk" He moaned in low-pitched voice throwing his head back. I bend down kissing his adam's apple. I make sure to leave deep red mark on it. I roamed my hands down his chested feeling his abs. I unbutton his shirt now kissing it down his collarbone to his abs. 

Before I could go any farther below, he grip my hair pulling my head up. "I can't control myself any longer" before I had the chance to reply he connected our lips in such aggression I thought he was going to suck my lips off.

he flipped us and now I am under him. He gripped my jaw and continued to kiss me while his other hand on my bottom. He took both my boxers and pants off in desperation I didn't even notice. His tongue started to explorer every part of my mouth.

"ahhck" I gasped tears running down my cheek.  He inserted two of his fingers without warning. "I-it hurtss" I gasped biting his lips. He didn't seem to hear my statement and started moving his fingers. "taeee-ahh" I gripped his shoulder attempting to push him away from me.

But this man is like made out of stoned. He doesn't budge at all. His lips continued to abuse my chest and neck area, his teeth gazing my skin ever so often. His fingers started to speed up and my gripped tighten. My stomach felt like twisting, and I could feel the pre-cum making me arch my back.

But before I could let the satisfying groan out, he pull his finger out making me look at him annoyed. "relaxe baby, we haven't got to the good part yet." He whispered into my ears, kissing under my earlobe. I felt his member tracing the spot as I inhaled deeply at the sudden realization of how huge he was.

"Don't be too rough-ahh" I dig my nails into his back as he forced himself in. Shit, I almost forgot he sometimes forgets and goes crazy. It felt like the very first time when he took me by the forbidden spot and showed me whole different heavenly enjoyment.

"D-Don't move" I whispered moaning as I am still trying to adjust to his size. He started sucking my jaw and neck. I tilt my head to give him more space and he went on then his hips started moving.

"Shit your tight, just like our first time" he started to pick up his pace. Whatever I was going to say got stuck in my throat.  As a whimper left my lips. His hands went on to stroke my member, the pressure started building up to me.

"Do you know how attractive you look while getting laid by me?" He asked speeding up as you could hear the skin slapping and bed cracks. "T-tae slow downn" I choked on my own words from his sudden deep thrust. "Fuck Jungkook, you feel so good" he grunts in his deep voice.

"I'm close ahh" I told as he went animalist hitting the spot. "It feels so goodd, moree" My mind was functioning on its own. It felt so good, he knew all the right spots and moves of mine. I felt like I was on cloud nine once again.

"Baby I am gonna knot you" he whispered in my ears before biting it. "p-please do it" I was desperate for a release I didn't know what I was doing or saying. My bruised wound on my hip was long forgotten same with my doctor's statement.

After multiple long and heavy thrusts with my high-pitched voicing, he knotted inside me with deep thrusts.  "Fuck baby that was so good." I was still processing what I just went through with heavy breath. He kissed me on lips then my head.

"I would love to go for more rounds but I am afraid I will wake your wound and destroy your will to walk." I pitched his arm as he chuckled wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head in my neck. "I love you" he whispered kissing my neck, making me shiver.

"I love you too"


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