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I looked at Tae sleeping while hugging my waist. it is only 7 AM so I didn't wanna wake him up but I need to go to the company early today because I have been investigating my parents these past few days. I didn't wanna involve anybody that's why I haven't even told Tae yet.

There are so many truths untold and I wanna unfold them myself. I slowly untangled myself from him and immediately replaced myself with a pillow. He groans nuzzling his head on the pillow. I chuckled in awe and placed a kiss on his forehead before going to the bathroom to shower and do my morning routine.


I walked into the company being the first one here I walked into the building as the lights turned on with each of my steps.

I went up to the last floor where the office is. Sighed after taking a seat. I dialed my secretary's number letting it ring before a voice came through.

"Yes Mrs.Kim?"

"Did you finish the files?"

"Yes, sir I was going to bring it in today"

"I'm at the office right now, do you think you can bring it in at the moment?"

".......uh-yah sure"

"Alright see you in a bit"

I chuckled by his reaction as I hung up. I placed my phone on the drawl as I went back to searching on my laptop.

Not long after a knock on my door was made. "Come in" I spoke as my secretary Taehyun walked in.

"Here are the files sir"

"Thank you Taehyun" I smiled before grabbing the file. "Sorry for waking you up so early, you can go rest in your office til opening" he smiled
"Thank you" he bowed before leaving.

After the door shut, I flip through the files making sure everything is in there. After checking I place the files beside me and went back on my laptop.


I got stuttered by a sudden outburst on the door as I stood but held my breath at the person at the door. Tae stood there with grumpy look on his face.

I walked out of behind my desk but he walked in front of me slamming my body against the wall within a second. I groaned by his aggression. "What's wr-"

"Why didn't you pick up your phone?" He cut me off. His body pressed against mines his grip tighten on my waist and shoulder. "Calm down first" I placed my hands above his hands on my waist to easy the grib.

"Answer the question Jungkook" his eyes give me the chills. I sighed "it's under the drawl that must've been why I didn't hear it ring"

"Why didn't you at least tell me where you were going early in the morning? Do you know how worried I was?"

"Ack- lose your grip a little or you going to break my waist" I breathed out a breath as he released his hands on my shoulder and move it down to my hibs. "I'm sorry okay" I cupped his face placing a peck on his lips.

"I won't do it again" He kissed me releasing his grip and instead wrapping his hands around my waist. I kissed back with my hands around his neck.

He picked me up as I wrapped my legs around his waistline. He walked over to the desk placing me down gently. "Sorry for being aggressive with you, I was just sacred" he confessed still kissing down my neck after loosening my tie and unbutton few buttons.

"Ahh, i-is okay" he continued to suck all over my jaw and neck leaving kiss marks. Then his hands went under my shirt then my belt. I stopped him there "not in here" he whined with a pout.

Obedience//KTH.JJK//  18+Where stories live. Discover now