Ch.28|| SHOCK!

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Why must I suffer like this? I would rather be just shot and killed to end it all than, endure this mental suffering. My only purpose to live is on a thin line between life and death. He might never wake up, and the small possibility of his survival is the only courage I have to push and live each day.

The smallest things annoy me so much that the next second I want them slated. I don't know how long until I break but I am afraid it won't take long. That scares me so much because once a glass is broken, it's almost impossible to implant it back into the original. But in this case, it's me.

"Boss, the meeting is in five" spoke the guard standing by the door. I gazed up at him only for him to shudder in fear. I shift my gaze back on the screen in front of me.

I shut my device getting up from my seat. My head feel light from the sleepless nights. I wouldn't be surprised if I shut down any minute.

I walked in the meeting room with bored look on my face as I took a seat in the head chair.  The members all got up and bowed at me before seating back down.

I don't understand why they look so stiffed and shaky. Just from looking at it pisses me the fuck off. She barely walked straight as she walked to the front to present whatever the fuck she's trying to present.

Before I could gather words to form it one of the guards barged in making me snap my neck at him with death glare but his words made me bite my tongue.

"Mr.Kim, Jungkook is awake" I froze unable to move or breath for couple seconds before realization stroked me. I didn't even realize I had already gotten up and already half way out the building.

My heart felt like it has been breezed with winter breath. All I see is those doe eyes of my baby every time I blink. The employees all bow to me as I rush out the building to the front where I snatched the keys from the guards before slamming the door to the car immediately hitting the gas pedal.

I continued to honk dashing through the traffic not giving one fuck about whatever the fuck the police going to do about it. All I cared about at that moment is to embrace my baby in my arms where he will be safe forever and will never go any where near danger again.

Wasn't long before I saw the gate opening. I braked putting the car on park before getting out the car running inside the house. The maids and bodyguards all bowed as I rushed upstairs to the room.

I pushed the door open but was met with empty bed and Yoongi siting on the edge with the nurse noting things in the clipboard but paused seeing me.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS JUNGKOOK?" I shouted looking at the bed then back at the nurse. "Mr.Kim calm do-" I cut her off walking to the bathroom door seeing Yoongi gestured to me.

I twist the door nob with annoyed expression but was quickly replaced with unbelievably expression. "Jungkook?"

I whispered looking at his shock appearance. He had his shirt rolled up as he was looking at his scare at his abdomen. "T-tae" he stuttered now letting go of his shirt.

I ran to him, pulling him into my embrace uncontrollable tears made it's way down my face as I pushed my face in his hair missing his sense.

Not long after he wrapped his hands around me patting my shoulder. "Is it really you?" I pulled back looking at him almost believing that I am hallucinating again.

He give me warm smile nodding his head. "Yes, I am awake tae" he uttered making me break down again in his embrace. If anybody else would've seen this scene, they would probably think their mental.

The psychopath who've been slathering people alive is breaking down in somebody's embrace.  Yup, sounds just about right.

I didn't realize I've been hugging him in tight grip for so long until I hear him whimper lowly. I pulled back looking at him with concern look on my face.

"Baby, are you hurt? Where does it hurt?" I bumped him with question holding his shoulders. "Calm down, I am okay it's just my muscles tight" he said with the most angelic voice ever.

How can he be so perfect. I picked him up bridal style as he yipped. He grasp my shirt on the shoulder. "I can walk, put me down" I just looked at his heavenly face.

He looked like he was reborn again better than ever. Perfect doe eyes, soft slick hair, kissable peachy lips, small nose, long lashes, how much more prettier can he get.

I ignored his protest walking out the bathroom and laying him in the bed. "I want his report asap" I glared at the nurse. But I immediately replaced that expression with soft once I heard jungkook scolding me.

"Tae don't be harsh" jungkook glared at me. I dropped on my knees holding his hands in mines before gazing up at him with the brightest smile.

"Okay, I won't" I said. He ruffle my hair with his other hand with his bunny smile. Oh kill me already. How can a human be so adorable.

"Do you need anything? Or feeling any discomfort?" I asked. But he just chuckled. The cutest giggle ever. Wait till I make it my ringtone.

"No tae, I am fine and why do you have under bags?" He frown. I bit my bottom not knowing how to tell him about it. "It's nothing, don't worry about; okay baby?" I kissed his knuckles.

He didn't say anything afterwards but I know his overthinking. I don't wanna worry him after he just woke up. "Yoongi, can you contact Jin please" he spoke now looking at the boy standing by the door with poker face.

Shit, he is mad.


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