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Yoongi POV:

            I opened my eyes and stared at the blank ceiling. I looked down and Jimin was sleeping on me. He had his face on my neck and hands wrapped around me, right above my wound. I attempted to move but he groan on my neck making me stay in place.

"Jimin I have to pee " I whispered down to him. But he didn't seem like he wanna get off of me anything soon. " Jimminn" I whined dragging his name. He looked up at me with his hair covering most of his face with a pout on his face.

"Fineee" he said lazily before rolling off of me to the other side of the bed. His hair had grown out so much and I love it. It's soft and fluffy. I giggled before finally getting up from the bed.

"Wait" he shouted making me stop in motion. I looked at him walked over to me picking me up off the floor in bridal style. "I can walk" I tell him, but he just looked at me and continued to walk me to the bathroom.

"Until your wound is healed, you're not walking or leaving our sight" I was going to protest but stopped because at this point my protesting would be useless. I sighed and stood properly when he placed me down on the ground. I looked at him to leave the bathroom, but he stood still.

"Don't even think about it I'm not leaving the bathroom." He proceeded to prepare brushing his teeth. I had no choice but to do my business anyway cuz my bladder is not that strong.

After I was done, I walked over to the sink to brush my teeth as well, but he lifts me up and place me on the counter. "My injury is not on my legs" I said but he ignored me again and gave me my brush with toothpaste on it. He stood in between my legs as we continued our routine.

After I brushed my teeth, he brushed my hair and fixed them while I just sat there and stared at his face. He was really handsome and had full lips which looked so kissable. I leaned over and peck his lips after he finished my hair. "We are stealing kisses now" he jokily said making me look at him with done face. As if he hadn't stolen kisses from me before.

I ran my hands through his soft hair carefully gathering them up. I style them as half up, half down. But before that, I giggled playing with his hair making pigtails. He stared at me than smiled at me making my heart skip a beat. He had his hands on either side of my body caging me.

I stopped goofing around and put them up in half he raised his hands on my face and I took the hair tie from his wrist and put it in bun. "All done" I said with proud look on my face with my hands around his neck. He giggled before lifting me off the counter with his both hands under my butt.

I wrapped my legs around his waist immediately and hands around his neck. I kissed his neck and he grip my ass harder. I smirked before sucking on his neck making sure to leave dark hickey on it. He groaned on my ear. Loving the sound, I continued to suck on his neck until he placed me down on the big glass counter that was in the middle of our walk-in closet.

"Don't start something you won't finish" he whispered onto my ear making me blush from his change of tone. I let go of my legs but my hands still around his neck. "Who said I can't finish it" I challenged him with smirk on my face. "Not with this bullet hole on your hip." He laughed at my sour expression.

I let go of my hands around his neck. And he went to get my clothes. "Where's hoseokie" I asked looking at his bare back that had viper tattooed from bottom to his nape. He also had tattoos on his arm and chest. It looked so good on his body. "He had to take care of something, he should be back soon." He replied without looking back at me.

I hummed before attempting to take my shirt off, but he rushed to me stopping me from further action. "Don't move your arms it will wake your wound" he said with concern look on his face.

"It's just a small movement" I said as I let him undress me. He carefully removes my shirt before he slides a loosen shirt over me. These past months, they have changed so much. They become so gentle and protective towards me, and it scares me. It scares me because I am developing a strong bond with them without realizing.

I am afraid I am falling for THEM.

I paused at the certain thoughts that crossed my mind. Now I thought about it, I have started to let my guards down unconsciously a little too quickly. They have proven multiple times that they have changed, but that doesn't mean I have magically forgotten the past. Although it was my fault that I sign the contract with them to begin with.

"Angel, lift your bottom for me" I snapped back to reality after his whisper. I did just that as he pursue to do his business. "I was going to see Jungkook after this" I said as I watch him throw over a black hoodie matching with my pants and my hoodie matching with his sweats. "You can after your bandage is changed."

He walked back over to me lifting me up, having me wrap my legs around his waist and hands around his neck as he walked out the door. I dip my head in his neck pulling my hoodie over my head from all the stares from the guards.


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