Ch.10 || PERVERT !!

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3rd person POV:

Jungkook opened his eyes slowly trying to adjust to the sunlight that glinting through the big window. He rub his eyes before yawning and immediately paused realisation hitting him like a dumbstruck. He quickly jump out the bed looking around the room but nobody was their just him and empty room with one big window.

"Fuck, that damn bastard " he cursed when he tried opening the door but it was locked of course. He picked up the lamp next to the bed he was sleeping in and throw it at the window but the lamp shattered and the window stayed undamaged making jungkook more furious then he already was.

He throw few strong punches to the window but nothing was happening to the window other then the blood stains rolling down the window. His knuckles are bleeding due to the strong impact the window had but he could care less right now.

"Just why, why me? Im not even a woman!" He pulled his long slickly hair in frustration.

Just then the door lock was being unlocked. The door opened making jungkook flame with angry. "You piece of dipshit what the fuck you want from me" jungkook punched him on his jaw with angry balled up inside him not controlling, normally when he punch somebody they would go flying that's what he expect but V didn't even stumbled he just stood their unexpressive.

"Bunny, that wasn't nice—and why are you hurting yourself?" V spoke still unexpressed by his behavior "who the fuck you calling bunny fuck face" jungkook fist his hands and was going to punch his face one more time but V catched his arm twisting it bringing on his back. Pushing his body against the wall with V's whole body pressed against him.

Jungkook groaned out of pain. "jeon jungkook this is your last warning—don't make me punish you" V whispered in jungkook's ear twisting his arm harder while biting his ear.

Jungkook widen his eyes in complete chock at V's words—how the fuck does he know my name he thought groaning in low voice when V pushed himself harder against him. Why the fuck do I always feel so powerless under his gaze.

"H-how do you know my fucking name?" Jungkook barely spoke with the force in his body. V let jungkook's arm go—Jungkook immediately hold his arm in pain stretching it a little to ease the pain.

"Is it important?" V took a sit in the chair next to the door steering at jungkook who was angrily breathing heavily. In V's eyes he looked like a bunny who's angry cuz somebody stole his carrots.

"The fuck you mean? Of course it's big deal" it's annoying jungkook to the core at how calm V looks no matter the situation.
"Shouldn't you be worry about others things right now for example, your gang".

"The fuck you did to them" he is so fed up with this cockface lizard who thinks he can do what ever he want. V's eyes darken he got out of the chair pushing jungkook on the bed hovering over him looking at the Bambi eyes with his dark owl eyes.

Jungkook for the first time in awhile feel the fear overshadowed him making him whimpered in low. "Listen carefully Jungkook, don't you forget I'm still your husband—your in my hands don't get too cocky or things gonna get ugly" V smashed his lips to jungkook's cherry one hungrily sucking on his bottom lips completely ignoring jungkook who's resisting.

His hands was pinned above his head, strong hand on his waist keeping him in place. He's body weaken due to the domination aura around V's body—his body somehow respond to this beast he hated himself. Couldn't do anything about it but wanting to cry but he would never cry especially in front of him.

V was sucking all over his neck and down to collarbone leaving dark marks. He's trying so hard to control his inner beast from marking him and fucking the life out of this delicious meal in front of him but he knows better to not—he would never do anything serious without his consent.

"Go and shower I'll have someone bring you change of clothes— and don't even try to escape this time" he warned leaving the room without glancing not even once at jungkook-he don't trust himself. He don't know when he will lose his control.

Jungkook cried his heart out in the shower where nobody will able to see his weak state—first he was disgusted by himself secondly he can't do shit against him thirdly he hated how weak he felt under his gaze it gives him flashback of his childhood the only memories his trying so hard to forget but it always comes back hunting him.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・namjin・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

3rd person POV:

"Can you uncuff me now? I promise I won't try anything" Jin looked over at the guy with camera in his hands in front of him naked smiling sweetly at the boy who's messily struggling to get out the handcuffs that are cuffed to the bed.

"Say cheese" rm clicked the camera a glint was flashed before jin could process anything. Jin face was full red as rm just took picture of him naked.

"D-delete that" Jin couldn't even speak properly due to the embarrassment he was feeling right now. "Be a good boy and this photo will be for my eyes only" RM smirked seeing jin's flustered face not like he would ever let anybody see this dreamily body. He couldn't help it but smile creeped up his face.

Rm uncuffed jin's hands. Jin immediately pulled a blanket over his body he couldn't make eye contact with him at this point. "No need to hide baby—I have already seen everything" he brought his face closer to jin's with every word he spoke they could feel each other's breath.

"S-shut up p-pervert" Jin went under the blanket too humiliated to face the pervert. "Baby Comon don't be embarrassed" RM teased pulling the blanket from his face. "C-can I ask you question?" Jin suddenly said.

"Sure baby" Jin sat up and rested his back against the bed board blanket still covering his body. "Where's jk and agust-d? And why did you guys tricked us into this?" Jin asked all at once disparate to know the answers to these questions.

"Relax baby, first don't worry I can assure you that jk and Agust-d are safe, second it's simple jk tamed the beast 3 years ago and run away so V been looking for him since then and found out about your gang and wanted to claim jk and I fall in love at first sight with you" he tapped jin's nose playfully making Jin blush from his last words. Can't blame him for being simp seeing a sexy yet cute dimple face guy complementing him.

"Then what happen to agust-d and why was he behaving like that" Jin asked like a curious little cat RM chuckled "about that you should ask him yourself, am not sure but I think jhope and jimin have something to do with it" Jin nodded satisfied with his answers.

"Anyways where's my clothes I need to see jk" Jin looked around the room and his clothes were by the window. "Nah uh, not so fast babyboy—V is too possessive about his belongings he won't let you see him, at least not now" Jin looked at rm confused.

"What do you mean" Jin tilled his head in confusion. "I mean he won't let you see him right now" "but why" Jin whined making rm coo at his cute confuse face.

"He's really possessive of his things but if you really wanna see him I'll go and asked only for you" he flashed his dimples Jin immediately fall for his dimples.

"But as reward I want breakfast made by you" he lean close to jin's face again "your so cute when you blush you know that" RM pecked his forehead pulling away from Jin. "After you done changing a butler will came and show you to the kitchen i have something I forgot to do" Jin watched RM leave the door and shut the door as he sighed in relieved. "Why was my heart beating so fast" .


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