Ch.23: || MISSION

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     A/U POV:

                "YOONGI WATCH OUT-" right before the bullet was released from the opponent Jimin jumped on Yoongi resulting in both of them on the ground.

They stared at each other's eyes, one with terror one with adoration. But their moments were cut short as another bullet was shot.

Just like that shoot-out break out as everybody found places to hide and start shooting as the place becomes a war zone.

Jimin, Yoongi, Jīn, and Rm are on a mission. And it's been just them going on missions for the past months as their boss has gone into a deep depression after his lover falls into a coma.

He shut off all his gang and become completely different person. All they could do is go on missions to keep their gang going and pray that Jungkook would wake up soon.


Yoongi POV:

I walked into the family doctor office with barely any strength left in my body. I hold on to the side of my hip as pain stinged through my veins as I try to stretch my arm. The doctor walked up to me quickly helping me sit down on the bed.

Nothing was new. It wasn't bleeding a lot but sure was paining a lot.  "Agust D, are you alright?" the doctor said with worry on his face. " don't mention it to them" I said coldly knowing he will surely inform Jimin and Jhope about my injury.

"But sir-" I cut him off with cold stare as he shut up. "Just hurry up and stitch it" I throw my head back in frustration. The doctor immediately starts doing his business as I pull my shirt over my head biting my lip to seal the painful moan.

We just got back from the mission, and I didn't tell them that I got shot because last time I got shot they took me off the mission for a month. I can't afford to stay home for another month. My grip on the bed sheet tighten as the alcohol starts to sink on to my wound.

this was nothing compared to what I have been through, and it should heal within few weeks.          " The bullet didn't go deep so it didn't mess with any nerves, but you should rest for couple of weeks and avoid any intense activity."

I hummed as I wore my shirt back on and walked out the door. I went into the guest room to shower and change before going into our room because if I didn't, they would be able to see my wound and I am not trying sit and listen to the lecture.

I got out the shower with tower around my torso but confuse when I walked in on dark room.  My eyes widen at the sudden realization. But before I could react, The light Flaked open and there stood hosokie with one look that would make you build your own coffin.

"Wanna explain?" he spoke with low but deadly tone. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. I knew the consequences of hiding things from them. I shouldn't be surprised but here I am speechless.

He walked over to me as I scoot backwards. My breathing fastens as I kept moving back until I couldn't anymore. " Why are you showering here? " He knows the answer to that but continued to push me.

I stared at his eyes searching for the right answer for his question. There was no way out. I had to come clean if I don't want the consequences to add up.

He caged me with the wall with one hand. I grip hard on the tower. his other hand creep onto my waist opposite side of my wound. He pulled me closer to his body making me fall off of my tiptoes.

" I believe I asked you a question " he whispered in my ear. His warm breath sending shivers down my spine. for a minute I forgot I had bullet hole in my hip. " I-" nothing would come out. I am trying to tell him I got bullet down my hip and is not like I need a month off for it, but no word would form.

A whimper left my lips as his grip tightened on my hips alerting my wound. His eyes verted to my hands that are now on my wound. his grip loosened as he stared back at my faces.

He didn't say a word, but I could see from his eyes that he was beyond angry. Before I could say a word, he lifts me up bridal style walking out to our room.  He kicks the door open making me flinch from the aggression. He then lay me down on bed. He took his suit off rolling his button up sleeves in angry as his jaw clench.

" What were you thinking." He spouted looking at me with face I can't read. " I am fine" I said as I got up but in quick shift, I was pushed back on the bed with him hovered over me. "You call this fine" his grip on my wrist become tighter as his face shows concern mix with anger.

" You could've died" I looked at his eyes and there are other unfamiliar emotions ramming in his eyes that I can't seem to figure out. " But I didn't " I responded with more like a Wisper tone.

" Why are you so stubborn " I didn't know how to feel as he got off me and went to the closet. leaving me on the bed. I looked down at my hand that was now covering my bandaged wound that has semi blood. I guess all the movement caused to bleed.

He come out with clothes and first aid kit.  As I followed him with my eyes with every move he makes.  He sits down beside me on the bed. He moved my hand from my wound without saying a word.

I hissed at the sudden movement on my waist. I grip on his hand to stop it from going any further but his gazed made me question my next step. I moved my grip quickly letting him continue to replace the bondages that was soaked with my blood.


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