Ch. 25|| NAMJIN

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I stared at the face of an angel that God had made me become attached to it strongly and then purposely snatching it away from me to make me suffer for my actions. The only time I wanted something with my entire heart, I couldn't obtain it. I have it with me, yet it's so far away from me.

I know I am the cause of it but If I could turn the world upside down for my angel to be back in my arms, I would do it within a heartbeat. I cares his hair with complete adoration in my eyes. If only he knew how valuable, he made me become in his presence.

Every time I walk into the room, I become completely different. I could have killed an entire pool of people with murderous look and step my foot in this room and all of the people's cries and screaming would've been forgotten.

His like a bulb of energy and happiness for me. No matter the situation I will walk around the world over hundred times if he says so. He has so much power over me, and he has absolutely no idea about it.

"Can you please give me any sign that you can at least hear me, anything at all" I uttered in the complete silent room. Just the beeping sound of the monitor that lets me know that he is alive and my voice being the only source of voice in the room. I moved my hand down to his hands that are cold and soft compared to mine that are warm and sweaty.

I lay my head down to our hands that are intertwined together. As tears made down my face and soon after I choked over a loop that was formed from restriction from my wailing. I ended up sobbing shamelessly into our hands letting all my guilt and suffering out. I didn't care about anything at the moment but to just have my baby back.



"Namjoon don't lie to me and speak the truth without breaking the eye contact." said Jin with sober look on his face making Namjoon drop his smile as well. "O-kay, anything for my love" he replied with smile on his face, but Jin kept his face poker making him nervous.

"What happen to Jungkook's foster parents?" Jin asked with curiosity lensed in his voice. Namjoon swallowed a huge lump as his adam's apple waved down his throat. He blinked couple of times before lying back in the coach, menspreading the seat as music become louder.

Jin fixed his tie at the guy's sudden movement making the air warmer. "V doesn't like anybody speaking about the matter but he murdered them the week Jungkook went on a coma." Namjoon said looking at Jin who is now taking a shot of soju at the unexpected information that was thrown at him.

Anybody could tell that he was drunk by now. Is not that he was sad that they were gone, he is sad because of how Jungkook would react to the news. "Why?" Jin finally spoke with his head staring up in the ceiling.

"That I do not know" said Namjoon continuing to stare at Jin who looked very seductive in his eyes at the moment. " Do you know what Jungkook would do when he finds out that his parents are killed, even though he knows what they did to him? I know Jungkook his soft hearted." Jin shouted out of frustration. The alcohol now kicking in.

"Baby I need you to calm down abit okay?" Namjoon said staring at him in intense gaze. "You don't understand" Jin got up from his seat after his last word making his way out the door. Namjoon took a deep breath as he also got up from the seat leaving the room, but He did not expect the scene he walked into.


I walked out the room in frustration ignoring the body heat that's forming in my body. My vision is blurry, and I can't even think straight at the moment. I am not mad at the fact that V killed Jungkook's parents but at the fact that Namjoon won't tell me what he was doing last week at the motel.

I gave him chance to explain himself and tell me, but he is trying to act dumb with me. He should know better, one thing I hate the most is liars and lack of communication. I thought he was serious about me but turn out his a playboy, but he picked the wrong person to toy with. Two can play the game.

I accidentally bumped into a cute boy with blond hair wearing very revealing outfit. I catch him by his waist as I stared at him. "Aren't you a handsome one" the boy said holding onto my tie as I pull him up still holding his waist. "And aren't you a cute one" I filtered back with smirk on my face as I pull him closer.

"Well, why don't you find out" He whispered in my ear before crashing his lips into mines. With my head still fuzzy, before I could make my move. I felt myself being yanked apart from the boy as my face came face to face with a chest.

few seconds later I was slammed against a wall making me whimper from the hard impact. " What the fuck were you thinking?" he shouted at my face with anger on his face. "What is wrong with you" I shouted back at him with more anger in my voice trying to yank out of his tight grab in my wrist.

"what is wrong with me? Is that what your asking right now, really ?" He said his face inch away from my face with his whole body towered over me. " You think I don't know what you been doing?" I questioned him as his face fumed with rage, but I could care less. He think he could just do whatever he want and have me chained to him, then his dreaming.

"I don't know what your talking about but I suggest you watch you tone baby boy because that smart mouth of yours would get you in deep trouble and you will not like it." He spoked in my ear as his breath fanned my ears his grip still tight. He brought his head back up now staring at my face.

"Even now you won't admit it, do you take me for a fool Kim Namjoon?" I emphasized his name on purpose knowing he hate it when I call him by his name. He gave me death glare poking his tongue right side of his mouth. "Do you think I am one of your toys? cuz two can play the game-" Before I could finish venting my anger, he smashed his lips on mines. Finally leaving his grip in my wrist now moving to my nape deepening the kiss as his other hand went on my waist under my red slick shirt.

I manage to wrap my hands around his neck as I slide my tongue in his mouth taking all my anger out on this make out selection. His hands went under my ass as he lifted me up slapping my thigh. I take the hint and also wrap my legs around his waist. I ran my hands through his hair sucking on his lips not caring if it swallows. At the moment just wanting to release my frustration and rage.

I was in control for few minutes but before long I felt myself being thrown in bed. "Since you wanna behave like a brat then I'll treat you like one" He took his suit throwing it elsewhere unbuttoning few buttons but too impatient to finish the rest before he dives in my face kissing me from face to my jaw very aggressively.

I return the aggression as I also flip us over getting on top of him. I begin unbuttoning my shirt, but he ripped it off before pulling me down for another heated make out selection, as I begin to leave hickeys all over his jaw and collarbones. He grabs my ass before grinding me on his bulge. He flipped me again, as I am back below him.

I didn't even realize my pants were off as I felt my body tensing up from his dangerous gaze. I don't know if it's because I am high or the red lights, but he looked very demonic at the moment. He unbuckles his belt I was waiting for him to throw it, but he buckles it around my hands above my head as I looked at him annoyed from being sexually frustrated.

He tied me to bed before getting off walking to another room shirtless. I looked at his back tattoos although I could barely see as my bangs became messy and covered my face and the alcohol also having a role to the conflict.

He came back out with a big black box seating it in the table that is next to the bed. " I wasn't going to use this box, but you've been a very bad boy, and do you know what bad boys need?" he looked at me his eyes completely different from few moments ago when we were eating each other faces. I shake my head as I was too busy staring at his body that was covered in tats.

Is not that I haven't seen his body yet. It's just today under these red lights he looked extra fine. "Obedience, starting with using your words when spoken to" I felt sting on my thigh as I stared at the skin that was now turning red. He has whip with him as I just stared at his manipulative eyes.


Obedience//KTH.JJK//  18+Where stories live. Discover now