Ch.2 | BUNNY!

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"I'm so exhausted" I throw my body in hoseokies bed hearing the shower run Im guessing he's in the shower. So I laid back down having steering contest with the blank white ceiling.

I guess the ceiling won, I slowing closed my eyes letting the darkness swallow me.


I turned the shower off coming out of the shower wrapping a tower around my torso and steered at the mirror while drying my hair.

I finished drying my hair and wore a simple sweatpants with a blue tee and walked out the shower only to meet with jimin in my bed sleeping like he owns the bed.

He's literally sleeping in crashlander position I just shook my hand sighing. I walked over fixing his sleeping position and laid down next to him and started thinking of millions of things that are running through my mind.


*bang *bang
"Hmm your doing great just sharpen more and relax a bit "yes sir" I been in the training room all day training the newbies till I got a phone call

"The club is under attack sir"
"What, who is bold enough to attack the club"
"It's the D-DRAGON gang and the BULLETPROOF gang sir"
"Hmm, alright"

I ended the call cutting the person off before he finishes talking "what's the distraction" I quickly took my blade out when I heard voice behind me making me slightly jump"don't ever sneak up on somebody like that" I putted back the blade I took out "you look tired" he took a seat on the armchair.

"the G-DRAGON and BULLETPROOF gang had battle at my club"
"BULLETPROOF?" He questioned standing up, with smile slight moving on a side "yeah why?"I asked confused
"Gimme me all information about BULLETPROOF" he ordered with intimidating face that could make you build your own coffin. "5 minutes please" with that I rushed to my office.

Few minutes of me typing, hacking into the system. I finally found all the information that are necessary, how come I haven't heard of bulletproof before. I got up from the leather chair and exited the office to hand V the info.

"Here are everything you need to know about bulletproof" I handed him he steered at the papers for few seconds only to see him smile making me shock.

"I been looking for my bunny for years and he find me himself, what a small world we live in" he smiled literally for the first time in years.

I couldn't believe my eyes thinking my own eyes are tricking me. I rubbed my eyes twice and blink to see him still smiling with a bit of smirk on his face.

V's POV:

I felt emotions running through my body that I never thought I will experience it again. I felt elated to finally find my baby I been looking for him all these years. He runaway thinking he could escape his owner. Very bold of him to make that move, after all it's my fault for not training him.

I looked for him through whole South Korea but he wasn't in Korean I guess he ran away but I wasn't about to gave him up. Now he finally is back in Seoul and even made a gang, so proud of my babyboy but he don't know what this world holds. I shake my head slightly smile creeped up my face without realisation.

This time I promise you jeon jungkook i won't let you out of my sight.

       ~3 years ago~

V's POV:
I sip the red blood alike wine watching the strippers dance on pole like slut they are. "Wanna me to get you a woman for the night?" RM asked with a woman on his lap giving him a lap dance. I mean I wanna get everything out of my mind right now so why not. "Send it at room 2078" I got up from the chesterfield couch and went to the restroom to wash my face to clear my head.

I opened the door and went to the mirrors I steer at reflection for a whole 1-2 minutes before I got handful of cold water and splashed on my face.

All of sudden the bathroom door been slammed open and shut it back I turned around to meet with the world angel alike boy. My eyes automatically draw to his face. his eyes, his mouth slightly part it, the sweat dropping down his forehead making his hair stick to his forehead, his shirt half unbutton. I didn't know I been steering at the angel in front of me till I heard heavenly sound he released from that sugary lips of his.

Someone probably drugged him I felt slight angry building up on me just the thoughts of someone else trying to touch him making me confuse.

He slide down on the wall with more sweat dropping down his milky skin each second. "H-help m-me.........please" he's not only angelic but also has angelic voice.

"Find him at all cost!!" A voice shouted outside the bathroom. I looked at the bunny on the ground just to see him shaking with trepidation look on his face.

" me" he spoke again this time his voice cracked up a little. I walked up to him and picked him up wrapping my arms around his surprisingly small waist to balance him so he don't fall.

He hold my sleeves tightly like his live depends on it. I inhaled his sent only to have my nose smell a heavenly vanilla smell that is so different from the regular vanilla yet vanilla. It's so addicting. I sniff his delicious looking neck only to hear another euphonious voice from him.

"Oh baby you've just got yourself into the hands of a very possessive beast"I whispered into his ears as he whimpered, loving the affect I have on him, slowly sliding my hands down his slender waist; down his plump ass gripping it as more whimpers left his lips.

He let out the voice that I could listen to every second of my life. He tightened the grab on my sleeves resting his head down on my shoulder breathing heavily giving me another best view of his neck.

I licked his neck softly before I started sucking on it giving a slit bite to mark him it didn't take me long to find his weak spot, earning a loud melody moan from him. "Babyboy what's your name" i asked creating another hickey on his neck.

"Jung-ahhhh........jeon-jungkook-" he barely spoke but manage to speak it. "Well jungkook remember these word "YOU.BELONG.TO.ME."
He nodded his head and let out another seductive moan making my pants tighten. I landed a hard slap on his ass "WORDS BUNNY" I warned him with obvious dominance on my voice.

"Mmhhu.....y-yes sir" I smacked his ass One more time pretty sure his ass is bright red by now "yes what bunny" I slightly bit his ear turing it to crimson red "yes....d-daddy" he sobbed being completely submissive. "Good boy" I patted his head this time giving a kiss on on his head.

"Good boys are always rewarded you should get your reward, hop on" he hopped on me wrapping his legs around my waist, hands around my neck. I grabbed his ass to prevent him from falling as I made my way outta the bathroom.


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