Ch. 30 || GUILT

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I looked up at the person who dare interpret this moment with an annoyed expression only to see Jin. Jungkook pushed me off getting up and running to Jin while he ran forward as they clashed and started crying.

My baby just pushed me for him. I crossed my arms and steered at them as they continued to cry in each other embrace. That was supposed to be my spot.

I couldn't take it anymore. I got up and walked to them as I separate them, back hugging Jungkook still glaring at Jin.

Jungkook turned around hitting the back of my head before giving me a stern look making me pout. "Tae, behave or you will leave the room," he said making me tighten my grip.

"I'll behave," I said almost immediately. He made me let go of him as he dragged Jin with him on the bed. They sat down and Jin hugged him again.

"I still can't believe you're alive?" Jin sobbed ruffling Jungkook's head. He pulled back now steering at Jungkook, his hands tracing his face.

"See I'm alive and better than ever" Jungkook joked flexing his arm. Jin chuckled.  "But Hyung, how have you been?" Jungkook asked. He looked nervously before answering him. "I wouldn't say good." He replied.

Jungkook frowned. "Why not?" Jin blinked before turning his body around looking at the door. "It's a long story" Jin signed. "Well, I am here all day"!

"Okay, let's go for a walk" Jin said taking hold of Jungkook's hand standing up. Jungkook followed along without glancing back at me. I was flabbergasted! I was still stunned when RM walked in.

"Have you seen Jin?" he asked. I looked up at him confused "He just stole Jungkook from me" I glared at him. "Sounds like your problem" he said walking out and closing the door.


I just found out while I was in coma, Tae lost his mind and killed many people. He also made everybody have hard time and didn't care about anybody.

I didn't think I had that much impact on him. They said they were shocked to see him smiling and being all clingy because he had cold look on his face the past couple months.

I mean he was always scary before I even went on coma. I can't Imagine how scary he must've been. To top it all, he fall into depression and barely slept. His health was very poor. I couldn't imagine how he felt.

I also heard Yoongi got shot couple of times and my heart ached because he didn't tell me any of that.

He was always private person and wouldn't share much with us, but he could've at least said something. I felt like I missed a lot and only if I was strong enough, I didn't have to get hurt like this.

While I was zoned out hugging Jin. I was knocked out of the thought by Namjoon screaming Jin's name.

We both sat up and looked at Namjoon with mug look. Jin glared at him as I looked at them confused. "Awww Jungkook your up" he said walking over ruffling my hair.

"Yeah, I been up" I said smiling up at him. "That's good, can I take Jin for a while" he asked and Jin damn near broke his neck turning around gazing at him like some kind of alien.

"Yeah, sure I guess." I said unsure. "Thanks" before Jin could open his mouth, Namjoon lift him up in his shoulder. Holding his legs while Jin's face was on his back.

"Kim Namjoon let me go right now" Jin shouted squirming on Namjoon's shoulder. "Thank you and I'll see you around" he smiled before walking away with Jin cursing at him.

I sighed turning around to face the water fountain. Not long before somebody walked up to me hugging my head. It didn't take long before I recognized the person.

I turned around hugging his waist baring my face in his front. Suddenly all the emotions got to me and before I realize I was crying clashing on his shirt.

I could feel him frown as he tried to push me and look at my face, but I didn't want him to look at my crying face. "Baby what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He asked with full concern in his voice.

He forced me apart holding my shoulders he made me stand up now face to face with him. I rob my eyes as I mumbled "I'm sorry". He looked at me confused caressing my face.

"What are you apologizing for?" He said with the softest voice ever. "Sorry for not being strong enough, sorry for making you go through so much, I'm sorry okay. I promise I'll become stronger" I said hiccupping through the sentences.

He pulled me into tight hug. "Baby, there's nothing to be sorry about. You don't need to be stronger because I am always going to be right beside you from now on." He said kissing my head.

I stuffed my face in his neck. Still hiccupping. His body fragrance made me calm down. He lifts me as I wrap my legs around his hip, his hands on my bottom. "Don't ever think you need to become stronger for anybody okay bun." He whispered up to me.

I node my head in his neck. He walked us inside the mansion to our room. He sat down with me in his lap. My legs still around him. "Are you feeling better?" He asked removing my hair out of my face and caressing my face ever so gently.

I node my head. He pecked my now red nose and moved down to my lips. "You're so adorable that I just wanna eat you all up" he said continuously pecking my lips making me giggle.

"Stop" I said pushing him away. "Why should I stop from calming what's mine" he whispered in deep tone as his hands traveling up and down my thighs.

"Why start something you can't finish" I said holding his movement. "I can't finish but I sure will leave you satisfied, wanna try me?" He whispered in my ears biting my earlobe. I squirmed in his lap, but he held tight grip stopping me from farther movement.

"Go ahead" I smirked. He didn't waste a second before pulling me down for a kiss. My hands immediately went to his hair as ran them through. He sucked on my lips like he had been starving for days.  His hands went down to unbuckle my belt then-



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