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I was gonna wait but I also couldn't stop myself from the thoughts of having him in my arms right now. Just the thoughts of that made me calm and forget everything going on around me.

Thinking of that I zoned out for few minutes and came back to my thoughts and send a message to their team about the meet up.

I almost forgot to take care of kai for trying to tear down my bunny's company. He been kidnapping and drugging minors in the underground world he should have known better to not mess around.

First I'll expose him to the public then I'll deal with him personally.

3rd person POV:

"LM, I want you to do something for me" said V through a phone a hand on his pocket while he steer at the view from a very tall building.

"Wow what a surprise of you to call me first" LM chuckled playfully. "Shut up and I want you to link the videos of kai and his men's raping the students on all social media platforms" V spoke as you can see fire in his eyes through the reflection on the big window in his office.

"Mind if I ask why" said LM interested in the conversation as what has kai done to their group. "I don't see how that's any of your business now link the video and leave the rest to me" V ended the call before she could say anything else.

"Just you wait babyboy after today I'll have you wrapped around my arms with no where to escape so this time you won't be able to run from your master" he licked his lips as he lightly bit on to it- too excited about the idea.

3rd person POV:

Agust-d was spying on his target through the dark alley. Apparently they had to know his every move before the occasion.

He turned to the convenient store on the right corner. "Damn it what he need in this cheap convenient store" he thought while wearing his hoodie before entering the store.

The guy was getting box of beer, he was too busy eyeing his opponent that he didn't looked where he was going until he bumped on somebody and lost balance knocking over some snacks but catch it before it hit the ground.

He give deathly glare at the person who he bumped into but that person also was glaring at him. They made strong eye contact having glaring contest but agust-D snapped out of those eyes.

He looked at where his target was supposed to be but he was no where to be found "god damn it" he cursed and was Turing around to exist the store but a hand grabbed stopped him making him turn back around to same guy who was glaring at him.

"Where do you think your going without apologizing" spoke the guy trapping agust-d in between his arms. "I don't have time for this now move" agust-d said already irritated by him.

He was going to kick his balls but the guy was quick enough to dodge it. "Pfft, you thought that would work" said the guy confidently.

Agust-d had enough of this guy he reach in his side of his belt to get out his jank shank but their wasn't "did I drop it somewhere damn it just when I need it the most" he thought checking both sides.

"You looking for this" said the guy holding a sharp object in the air. "You didn't think you would hurt me with this did you" he chuckled shaking his head lightly.

"When did you get that" Agust-d said angrily and raised his leg and was going to kick his hand and take his jank shank back but his leg was caught by the guy.

Nobody ever was that fast enough to dodge or caught his kicks "your not normal, who are you exactly?" asked agust-d now being subconscious. "Looks like the person you're spying on is gone" he said letting go of his leg and throwing back his jank shank. Agust-d catch it before making his way out the store. The guy just smirked looking at the boy run away.


   "They said on top floor room A13" Jin said resting his head on back board of the limo."Gush stop sweating so much will ya"  yoongi looked at the nervous boy who keep checking his tie every second.

"Shut up yoongless, you don't know what their capable of" Jungkook sweat shine sighing while trying to relax himself and boss up."Shut it rabbit teeth, it's just rumors you haven't meet them before so how would you know the media isn't lying" yoongi rolled his eyes.

"True, you know how the media is" Jin added backing up yoongi. "Whatever, I still have bad feelings, I mean they could've just sent through email or meet up in the company but a nightclub" jungkook stated gritting his teeth a little trying to prove his point.

Jin and yoongi looked at jungkook as if his the dumbest person to be ever walk on earth. "Do you want me to slap some sense into you cuz I'm dying to" yoongi said looking at jungkook without blinking.

"You do know his the top mafia right" Jin turned himself now facing jungkook holding his shoulders. "Yeah but-" he shushed him "and what do you think it's gonna happen when people see the  most feared man walking into the company, oh let's not forget the fact it's YOUR COMPANY with his intimating man on his both side like their going to assassinate you" Jin shouted the last part finally taking a deep breath in letting go of jungkook's shoulders.

Jungkook just stood their dumbfounded like a lost bunny. "can't believe your a mafia boss and a ceo" yoongi pst unbelievably.

"Where's the strong, fearful, tough looking jungkook went" Jin pulled jungkook's chin up meeting jungkook's doe eyes that are sparking which once had no sympathy in them with his motherly eyes again.

"I guess I'm a little scared" jungkook faced down "it's okay to be anxious my dear" Jin patted his head ensurely. "Oh hell nah, we ain't having a fucking pat talk when we're just about to meet the bangtans" yoongi sat up ruining the pat talk between Jin and jungkook not even surprising the boys.

"We're here anyways" he said changing up the mood. Pro mod on they thought as they step out the limo completely unaware of the fact that they've just walked into the beasts trap.


No cuz This meme been saved up on my phone for yearssssssssssssssssss ima delete it after this cuz my phones storage is full🗿don't ask how cuz-🏃‍♀️💨

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No cuz This meme been saved up on my phone for yearssssssssssssssssss ima delete it after this cuz my phones storage is full🗿don't ask how cuz-🏃‍♀️💨

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