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(A/N: Real quick guys sorry for the late updates I have so much stuff on my mind right now. I'm so glad you guys enjoy they story and I'm sorry for all the errors it's still needs major editing but here's your chapter.) 

Hook scowled at her. "That's my line." He said pressing the hook more on Devin's neck.

Genevieve smirked and she kicked David in the gut and snatched the sword and pointed it to his throat while setting her foot firmly on his chest. "Release him right now." She said indicating towards Devin. 

Hook sighed and let Devin go shoving him towards her. Genevieve pushed Devin on the rock and she stepped off of David and offered him her hand. "Why the hell did you follow me?" She asked. 

David dusted himself off and groaned standing up. "We didn't. Hook told me that he could find a way to get out of this place as soon as we find Henry." He said softly and turned to look at Hook. 

Genevieve raised and eyebrow and shook her head. "Idiot, you have no way of leaving unless Pan says so. He tricked you." She said. 

Hook glared at her but then looked at David and frowns. "Listen it was about your wound I know I away of preventing it." He said before David could go off. 

Genevieve rolled her eyes. "I thought only Pan new about this," She said pointing at the waterfall and then she turned and saw Devin trying to escape and grabbed him by the shoulder slammed him into the wall. "Don't move." She snapped. 

As Genevieve kept Devin there Hook helped David take a drink from the fountain. "You'll both die," Devin said. "The water only lasts if you stay on Neverland." He said. 

Genevieve looked at Devin and growled. "Shut up, Tinkerbell told me this would work." She said rolling her eyes at him. 

Devin smirked. " Tink? Are you serious?! She doesn't know anything, she's just Pan's ally." He said chuckling to himself. 

Genevieve pulled out a dagger and she pointed it at him. "You litt-" Suddenly an arrow flew at them and it missed.

Devin shoved Genevieve back and grabbed the arrow and cut himself and jumped. Genevieve sprang to her feet and she looked at David and Hook. "Run!" She screamed and she jumped down the cliff and started to climb down the rocks and she waited impatiently for them.

Once David and Hook made it down she looked at them. "Where is your camp?" She asked frantically dodging an arrow. 

"Around here come on!" David shouted and he took off into the trees and that's when the lightning cracked and Genevieve cursed silently under her breath. 

"It's going to start pouring down any second where is your camp?!" She snapped. 

There was no reply just the rustling of the bushes and the sound of the rain drops pouring down. Genevieve's breath was caught in her throat and she looked around spinning around. "Hook?! David?!" She cried out. 

The rain felt like a thousand needles on her skin and it was cold and windy and she heard footsteps all around her. She was cornered there would be no way for her to escape them and she started to panic and then she heard a chuckle behind her and she turned around dagger in hand and point it in his face. 

"Pan." She sneered. 

Pan rolled his eyes. "Stop acting like this shocks you Genevieve." He said pacing the floor. 

Genevieve bit her lip so hard she was trying so hard not to scream or cry, but how could she not? Here she was standing in front of a boy she denied her love for. A stupidly adorable British, magical bastard of a boy who tortured her because she loved him so much. Pan smirked. "Am I disturbing you?" He asked. 

Genevieve tasted something metallic in her mouth and she released her lip and looked at him. "Get away from me! I hate you! Who ever you are you are not Peter Pan! I know what you are! You're a demon! You're a damn demon taking over the body of a boy under the work of that damned shadow!" She creamed. 

Pan scowled at him and stepped closer to her causing Genevieve to back up. "You're a smart girl Genevieve, but if you get rid of me you get rid of your precious Peter too!" He snapped. 

Genevieve's eyes widen and she shakes her head. "No! There is always a way." She said glaring at him. 

Pan chuckled softly and stepped closer to her and leaned close to her eyes and smirks. "Not unless you're me, and I'll make sure your fantasy Peter never sees light again." He whispered. 

Genevieve looked at him and she fumed with anger and she raised her hand and her fist made contact with his face and she screamed in anger as he fell back. She backed away from him her fists clenched and she glared down at him. 

Pan sat up and he scowled and ran in tongue over his bleeding lip and looked at her through the thick sheets of rain and chuckled. "There's that fire I like." He said

Genevieve wasn't going to let him get to her and glared into his dark green eyes and scowled, "You want Henry? That's too bad because my plan will work and he'll die and I'll maintain my power as ruler of this island and then I'll wipe out the rest. And You? You will never be able to stop me." He said smirking. 

A lump formed in her through and she felt a surge of emotion wash over her she couldn't handle this. This was too overwhelming for her to handle. "Boy!" Pan shouted. 

The lost boys walked out of the bushes and grabbed her and the dragged her into the camp. "Put her in my tent." He ordered. 

Slightly and Devin tossed her into the tent and she scrambled to her feet and faced the entrance and he walked in she shut the tent and turned her her. He stared at her for a long time before he walked up to her and cupped his face and kissed her. 

Genevieve felt so confused and angry that she shoved him back. "How dare you-" But she stopped herself. 

He looked at her and he walked back up to her and stared into her eyes, the black cloudiness gone from his and he leaned his forehead against hers. "He's not going to win. I promise you he won't. Even if I die trying he's not going to hurt you and he's not going to win." He said. 

Genevieve eyes stung, they stung like hell. She stared into his eyes and tears flowed down her cheeks. "But you heard what he said...."

"Forget what he said. If I have to die in order to stop him then I will." He said wiping a tear from her cheek. 

Genevieve shakes her head. "No! There has to be another way Peter! Please, I-I love you." She said. 

Peter nods. "I know and I love you too." He mumbled and kissed her again and this time she kissed back.

When he pulled away she looked into his eyes and they started to cloud over."Just do what he says I'll figure it out." He mumbled. "Felix! Take he to the cages." 

Felix walked into the tent and dragged her away and he took her to the cages and shoved her into one and smirked. "Where's your precious Peter now?" He asked and the walked away 

Genevieve pulled her legs to her chest and closes her eyes letting the tears spill rapidly and she felt the anger flare up and once he walked away and looked after him. "Closer than you think." She muttered. 

**editing** Pan's Dark Heart (Peter Pan)Where stories live. Discover now