Compasses, Ashes, and Beanstalks

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Out of the millions of times that Genevieve had run for her life she had never had to hide so many time. Ogres. They where everywhere. She saw one at least every few miles but she could never actually get to a certain point with out seeing on in her way. That is of course until she saw a large Bean stock. A wave of or confusion washed over her and she ran for it...until she saw Hook. 

"What is this slime ball up to now?" She asked. 

She watched closely until she saw Emma and it slowly dawned her. 

"Crap." She whispered. 

She had decided to interfere not because she didn't already knew that Hook had been following her but because she needed to warn Emma that they were in danger. She pulled out her sword and she hit herself in the shin with the hilt. Minor injury but she can fake the extra pain. 

"EMMA!" She screamed and she limped towards her and Hook. 

Hook almost seemed to growl and her looked at her.

Emma looked at her. "Genevieve?" She asked. "Oh gosh you're hurt."

Genevieve sat down slowly and looks at Hook. "Well I was walking through the Forrest and an Ogre! It attacked me. I barely made it out. I've been running ever since. Then I saw you two and I figured maybe you could help me." She said. 

"Of course! We didn't even know you were here did you get knocked down too?" Emma asked. 

Genevieve nodded." Yeah." She said. 

"Well Mary Margret, Aurora, Mulan, and I set up camp not too far from here. Go find them Hook and I have some business to attend too." She said. 

Genevieve nodded and she got up and limped away towards the Forrest where Emma pointed to and looked over her shoulder to see they were gone. She then took off and run through the woods until she saw a fire. "Snow!" She called. 

"Emma?" Mary Margret asked. 

Genevieve ran over. "No it's me Genevieve. Listen we need to get out of here now!" She said. 

"What about Emma?" Aurora asked. 

Genevieve stopped. She just stood there and stared at her very first best friend. She was all grown up with Red hair and the fairest skin. "Aurora?" Genevieve asked. 

"Genevieve?" Aurora asked. 

Genevieve nodded. "Yes! Oh my goodness you're so beautiful!" She said. 

Aurora embraced Genevieve in the tightest hug ever. 

"You two know each other?" Snow asked softly. 

Genevieve nodded. "Old friends." She said. 

 Aurora pulled away and smiled. " haven't all! She said. 

"That's because I've been stuck in two time frozen places!" She said. 

Aurora raised an eyebrow at her but Genevieve just waved a hand. "So how have you been?! How did you wake up?!" She asked.

"My Prince....Prince Phillip. He came to my rescue with a partner." Aurora replied.

"Oh....right," She said softly. "I remember him....I met him after I got off the Jolly Roger. He told me that you were in trouble and I offered to help him and....what's her face......Oh Mulan." She said smiling softly. 

 As if on cue Mulan appeared with more fire wood, "I heard my name?" She asked, 

She spotted Genevieve and dropped the wood. "You're alive?!' She asked. 

"Well I'm obviously not dead." Genevieve replied and picked up the firewood tossing it into the fire. 

Mulan scowled and looked at her. "So what are you doing here?" She asked. 

"I came to warn you! I ran into Cora and Captain Hook. They were looking for You and Emma and they don't seem very friendly considering they locked me in the Jolly Roger." She said. 

"He what?!?" Snow asked.

Genevieve sighs and begins to explain but Snow interrupted her.
"I heard you but I thought he was just part of the camp. We found him after our camp was attacked!" She said.

Genevieve bites her lip and heard Hooks and Emma Returning. "We need to leave now the sooner the better." She said softly. "You guys act like nothing happened." She said.

Hook and Emma approached. "Well we go up at sun down." She said.

Genevieve tilts her head. "You're climbing up the Beanstalk?" She asked.

Hook nodded. "Aye. We're going up to get magic Beans to Send you back to your land." He said.

He'sactingastheirallyShe mentally asked herself.

"Well....alright then." She said. "We'll meet you at the bottom of you're not down by tomorrow I'm going up there to get you." She said glaring at Hook.

Emma raised an eyebrow at Genevieve But shrugged.

When sundown occurred Emma and Hook took off.

Once they were sure to be gone the rest of them started to pack. "When they come back we attack Hook and leave." She said.

They waited for hours and Mulan finally lost it. She got up and started cutting the Beanstalk.

"Hey! Psycho! What's you problem?!" Genevieve screamed.

Aurora and Snow got to their feet. "What are you doing?"

"Emma gave me ten hours!" Mulan snapped.

Snow retaliated before Genevieve could even think she charged toward Mulan and tackled her they started yelling and Genevieve and Aurora ran to get them away.

"STOP!" Emma shouted and fell off the Bean stalk.

"Emma!" Snow shouted and smiled.

Genevieve sighed softly and looked up at the Beanstalk.
"Where's Hook?" She asked.

"I trapped now let's get a move on we need this dust from Cora." Snow said.

Emma nods and they took off to find Cora.

*Groans* I know I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever but I've been so caught up in my school work! I know it's probably driving you guys nuts That there is not enough Peter in this story but he's coming and lots of him will be in the next upcoming chapters I promise guys. I hope you enjoy this chapter please ignore all the errors this whole story is unedited and needs major help but I'll fix up the mistakes soon. 

**editing** Pan's Dark Heart (Peter Pan)Where stories live. Discover now