Be Our Guest(edited)

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16 years later.........

In the last sixteen years it was the same routine. Maleficent gave birth to a new child the last princess was born 4 years ago. So far she's only getting the hang of the dancing. Genevieve, well she's like the maid princess. Has her own separate room that was cramped with cleaning supplies and one tiny bed, and a dresser. She was like Cinderella, except she's doing it to be around people, her sisters don't treat her differently than they treat each other, and her mother doesn't treat her wickedly either. 

"Genevieve?!" Maleficent shouted into her room. 

Genevieve shot up with a small heart-attack. Her brown hair in a million twists of knots. She wiped the sleep from her eyes. 

"Oh, Yes mother?" Genevieve asked. 

"We're having guests over! So find your best gown and get ready." Maleficent said. 

"Yes mother." Genevieve mumbled. 

The door shut and Genevieve got up and brushed her hair till all the tangles were out and it was flowing down to her shoulders. She put her hair in the fancy buns that her sisters wear when they dance. 

She went into her bathroom and washed up. Then she got out and went over to her wardrobe. She looked through the dresses she had. None of which were interesting or fancy enough for guests except one. That stood out. Genevieve had never seen it it was in the back of her wardrobe and it was beautiful. It was no ball gown but it was very divine. 

"Wow." Genevieve whispered. 

The dress was gorgeous. It was a white dress with just a little bit of sparkles. It was just a little bit longer than usual gowns. She decided to wear it. She put it on with a pair of her favorite shoes. She walked out of her room and walked down the hall quickly attempting to make it the the dinning hall on time. When she ran into her sister Glinda. They were both the same age. The difference. 

Glinda looked just like her parents and her sisters. Blonde hair, pale skin, grey eyes. Genevieve had brown hair, blue eyes, and tan skin. 

"Oh, Glinda I'm so sorry!" She said. 

"No, my apologizes! I wasn't looking where I was going." Glinda said. 

Then she gasped. Looking at Genevieve's dress. "Gen, where did you find this dress it's beautiful!" Glinda said. 

"Oh, in my wardrobe it was like it just appeared there." Gen replied. 

"Like Magic?" Glinda asked examining the dress. 

The stared at each other for a second and then started laughing. "No, magic doesn't exist!" They both laughed. 

"If you two are done giggling and lollygagging about we have guests." (The second oldest behind Genevieve and Glinda) Priscilla snapped. 

They rolled their eyes at her. She had an attitude towards everyone except mother. Suddenly a wonderful smell filled Gen's nose. 

"What is that wonderful smell?" Priscilla asked. 

They all looked at each other and sniffed the air and exhaled. 

"Chef Anne's chocolate cake!" Genevieve squealed.

They giggled and ran down the hall to the dinning hall. All their sisters and their mother and father were in the dining room. There were also a group of people Genevieve had never seen before.

"Girls, please sit." Maleficent said. 

The three girls took their seats. In order by age. "Girls this is King Stefan." Maleficent said. 

**editing** Pan's Dark Heart (Peter Pan)Where stories live. Discover now