Her Royal Nightmare

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Genevieve's eyes fluttered open. She was under a blanket on a soft bed. She smiled excepting to pull the covers off and see herself in Peter's tent. She blinked twice and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She smiled and pulled the covers off and looked around and gasped. 

She was in her room! She was back at the castle. She was here the place it had happened. The place where her sisters were killed. The place where her mother turned into a dragon. The place she jumped out of the window trying to rescue Marie. It was dusty and run down. Bugs scurried across the floor. The window were cover with dust. The book shelf covered in cobwebs. 

Her heart was being ripped slowly out of her chest. Where was her Peter? Where was Baelfire?! Where was Reese? Devin and Felix?! Where was Tinkerbell?! She got out of her bed and stood up feeling fabric hit her toes. She was wearing her maid's clothing. Her hair in two french braids and she was wearing the cloth on her hair. She felt her eyes sting as she looked at the door. The lock busted from when she tried to escape. She walked out of her room and walked around. She had her sword to her side. 

She walked down the hallway cautiously. She looked around. It looked like no one had been in this castle for a 100 years. She saw the door to the ballroom, she walked up to it cautious ly and opened it. The scene almost made her cry. Eleven dresses and dancing shoes lay on the ground scattered in different places. The window shattered. One robe laid on the ground. The roof had a giant gaping hole from Maleficent's transformation. 

She ran out of the room and ran down the hallway. She ran and ran until she ran into someone. She fell on her butt and look up at a bright woman. She was wearing all white and she stared at Genevieve in shock. 

"You're alive!" She said. 

Genevieve knit her eyes and stood up. She dusted herself off and looked at the woman. 

"Yes I'm alive who are you?" Genevieve asked. 

"I'm Fiona.....I'm a oracle. I give prophecies." She said. 

"You! You gave my mother....that demon the prophecy that killed my sisters!" Genevieve screamed. 

She drew her sword and pointed it at the woman. She pushed the sword with her finger and stared at Genevieve. 

"My dear...the prophecy was given because it was my job....the prophecy was meant for your real mother." Fiona replied. 

Genevieve put the sword down. 

"Then why wasn't it given to her?" Genevieve asked. 

"Your mother was murdered by your aunt. She ordered the kingdom be handed to Maleficent. My job was to give the prophecy to queen of Valencia when she had her first child. Since your mother died it was my job to give it to your aunt." Fiona said. 

Genevieve nodded. 

"Why was the prophecy for twelve sisters to dance?" Genevieve asked. 

"In the ballroom there are plates. if twelve sisters dance at the same time when each sisters is a correct age the floor was to open up and lead a passage to place of pure magic.....magic strong enough to do anything." Fiona said. 

"Then what happened when I broke the prophecy?' Genevieve asked. 

"The place was destroyed and the witches were also searching for which is why they tried to murder you and Marie as well." Fiona said. 

"Marie......and Bianca and her sisters! Are they....." Genevieve looked at her. 

Fiona shook her head. 

"They are all alive but it's going to take a life time to find them. Even I don't know where they are." Fiona said. 

Genevieve smiled. 

"But Genevieve you must understand...there is still hope." Fiona said. 

"For what?" Genevieve said. 

"The realm of magic....it still exists but I've pt a veil over it so no one must ever find it. Only one thing can give you a gateway to it." Fiona said. 

"What?" Genevieve asked. 

Fiona closed her eyes and the words flowed out of her like water. 

The darkest soul can only be heal by the essence of love, the frozen heart can only be thawed with the essence of love, the loved one can only be saved by the essence of love and sacrifice. 

She opened her eyes and stared at her. 

"Darkest soul? Frozen Heart? Loved one?" Genevieve asked. 

"There are three people who are to be saved only you can save them with love. Three acts of love caused by you will break the veil and you can only use the magic to help other not yourself. so think wisely." Fiona said. 

"Who are they? How will I get to them?" Genevieve asked. 

"They are in three separate realms. I can't tell you who it is beyond my power but I can give you this." The oracle said. 

She gave Genevieve a ring.

"When ever you are near them it will glow. collect three items of the people after you preform the task. Along with the ring. Call me when it is time." Fiona said. 

"How will I get there?" Genevieve asked. 

"I have an ally of mine he has you with him now you're dreaming my child. He knows where to go and what to do this affects him too. Work well with him I know you two have a bad past." Fiona said.

"Thank you my dear oracle I will be sure to use it." Maleficent's said from behind Genevieve. 

She drew her sword and pointed it at her. 

"Mother..." She said. 

"Genevieve! Wake up! If she kills you in your dreams you will be put into a sleeping curse and only your true love can break the curse! " Fiona screamed. 

Genevieve nodded. 

Maleficent turned into a dragon and Genevieve aimed for her room which turned into a green swirling portal. Maleficent swung and she ducked it. She sprinted for the room. She reached the door way. She was snatched back by Maleficent. Genevieve began to panic. She jabbed her sword into her hand and she was dropped. She shot up and ran through the portal.  She heard Maleficent screaming unflattering things from the portal which swallowed her up. 

 Her eyes flashed open and she looked up at he ceiling. She was in a room. The room was rocking back and forth.  She felt it. She got out of bed and she was still dressed in her clothes from Neverland. She got up and grabbed her sword. She walked around the halls and made it to the top. She saw the sky and heard the waves. The door closed behind her. 

"Well, it's nice of you to join us love." He said. 

She smirked. 

"So you're my ally?" She asked. 

"Yes love." He said. 

She turned around and smiled at him. 

"What do you gain from this hook?" Genevieve asked. 


Author's Note: @ElfArya27 got it right! It took her to Hook without know it was dooming it's self Stupid shadow! 

Question: Who are the three people? The first person to get it right or close get's a dedication and follow!  Clues: Darkest Soul, Frozen Heart, Loved One. The hardest is probably the darkest soul. If you get it absolutely right I will give you two dedication! (Confused? In box me!)

**editing** Pan's Dark Heart (Peter Pan)Where stories live. Discover now