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Genevieve looked up at his hideous scarred face and scoffed. "Get off of me you idiot!" She snapped and smacked her hand in his face.

He growled at her and flipped her over and bound her hands behind her back and gagged her mouth. She screamed and kicked and whined. She was scared. He was back in Peter's body. The evil Peter was back and she had to face him.

"That's enough!" His voice boomed which made Genevieve stiffen.

"Is that anyway to treat a guest?" Pan asked from behind her.

She got goosebumps. She wasn't fighting now. Not when he could so easily track her down and rip out her heart. Then it'd all be over. He stepped behind her and bent down and felt his breath on her ear. "Welcome back love, I hope you and your fine companions have enjoyed our company here." Pan said.

Genevieve closed her eyes tightly. She had failed. She didn't find Henry and destroy Pan's camp. She had been so eaily distracted by Peter. Which was going to have to change or else she'd never get off this Island and sooner or later Henry will become one of them.

"We very much appreciate it." She spat.

She could hear the smirk in his voice. "Very well then. I hope you won't mind the little treat we have in store for you then would you?" He asked and appeared in front of her.

"Unless you're scared. Are you scared Genevieve? Do I frighten you?" He asked tauntingly.

Genevieve wanted so hard to bite her tongue but it slipped before she could. "Scared? Of you? Every time I look at you I picture a small elfish boy with tights on and I laugh." She said.

Pan glared at her. "Get rid of her before Henry wakes." He said and walked away with a scowl into his net.

Genevieve glared at his back. "You'll never get away with this. "Bad guys never win!" She shouted after him.

Peter stepped out of the tent and crosses his arms and grins. "But Peter Oan never fails." He said and went into his tent.

Genevieve screamed in frustration. This wasn't happening, she wishes it wasn't anyways. She couldn't understand how she had been so stupid. Peter was becoming her weakness. he lost boys dragged her through the forest and the stopped.

"I've been wanting to do this for a while." Felix said as he grabbed her face roughly and made him look at her.

"You, and whoever is inside of Peter, and the rest of you heathens are all going to hell." Genevieve said the anger overcoming her and she swung her leg at him but her grabbed her ankle and twisted it until it make a nasty pop!

Genevieve screamed as she felt the pain from her ankle spreading through her leg. Felix smirked he held his hand out. "Gimme an arrow Devin." He said.

Devin looked at Genevieve and then Felix as if he were perplexed. "Pan never said anything about the arrow he said t-"

"Give me the damn arrow Devin!" Felix snapped at him and glared angrily.

Devin handed him and arrow from his quiver and Genevieve's eyes widened because she smelled that awful smell of alcohol and blood and she struggled even more. Felix grinned and he lifted the side of her shirt and slashed her side with the arrow making sure the dream shade have time to seep in. Genevieve screamed loudly and whimpered as the blood mixed with dream shade trickled down her side. "You heard what pan said. Get rid of her."

So they did. For a moment Genevieve couldn't understand what was happening besides the fact that she was going die. Her eyes crossed and she felt lightheaded. She didn't come back into reality until she smacked into the floor. She was only awake to take in her surrounding before she passed out cold.

**editing** Pan's Dark Heart (Peter Pan)Where stories live. Discover now