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The last thing Genevieve wanted was to wake up this morning, although she couldn't tell it was morning because well....it's always dark. Genevieve never noticed how eerie the island was and she didn't want to explore it anymore than she had to. The last thing she wanted was to wander off to far from Pan's camp and get lost. But he'll find her, unless he didn't care and left her to die. Unfortunately for her she woke up anyway. Earlier than the boys and Pan.

The boys were extremely silent and Pan didn't even twitch when she got up. She watched as the stars of Neverland seemed to shine brighter than the ones in the Enchanted Forrest. She decided to steal her sword and bow from Pan's tent and go explore she might as well find something to do. Hunt maybe? She started into the Forrest and slung her arrows over her shoulder then she stole Felix's cloak which she knew would annoy him but she could care less.

Genevieve never paid much attention to the surrounding of this island. If it weren't so dark she'd say it were beautiful. But she wouldn't because it's a horrible place. She walked further until she heard a twig snap. She turned with her arrow at the ready pointing it and keeping her guard up.

"Who ever you are step out now." Genevieve snapped.

"Hey, don't shoot at us we were just following you." Reese's voice said.

She put the bow down and they stepped out Reese and Baelfire.

"Why are you following me?" Genevieve asked.

"Pan sent us. He sensed you leave camp and just wanted to know if you weren't trying to run

away." Baelfire said.

"It's not like I can." Genevieve said.

"Ha, oh and Felix wants his cloak back...." Reese said.

Genevieve took it off and threw it at them.

"Please leave me alone, I need my space right now. I'm still getting used to being around a bunch of-"

"A bunch of boys?" Reese asked.

"People." Genevieve said finishing her sentence.

"People? Didn't you have like twelve sisters?" Reese asked.

Bae elbowed him in his side.

"Ow." He mumbled.

"Yes, Reese I had twelve sisters that I loved dearly but I never got to see them only for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They died and so did my uncle. My aunt is trying to find me so she can kill me. She took my only friends in sixteen year so like I said I-need-my-space." Genevieve explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He said.

"C'mon Reese we'll just tell Pan she's hunting." Bae said grabbing Reese's arm and dragging him away.

Reese gave her an apology look before they left. Genevieve kept walking. She shot a rabbit and a dear.She figured it was good hunt. She was heading back to camp whem she heard a chuckle. She had the hood to her coat up and she had her hunt in one hand and her other on her sword. She drew the sword and pointed it around.

"Who's there?" She asked.

She knew the chuckle didn't belong to Pan. The lost boys wouldn't dare follow her she doesn't like any of them except Reese and Bae. So she knew someone knew was on this island.

"You won't be needing that love." A male Irish voice said.

She spun around and saw nothing. She stood there.

"Why are you following me?" She asked.

Suddenly before she could get and answer her sword flew out of her hand and she dropped her hunt. Someone wrapped their arm around her and placed a hook near her neck.

**editing** Pan's Dark Heart (Peter Pan)Where stories live. Discover now