Not All Lost Boys Are Lost

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Genevieve only wiped her face about a hundred times by now. She was fed up. She was done with all this portal travel, and this Peter, and this magic! She was too through and she had but no other choice. She was already on Neverland and she couldn't give up on Henry because his infuriating family turned on her. 

She stomped through the woods chopping up Vines with her sword when she smelt it again. That sickening smell of blood mixed with alcohol filled the air like air freshener. Genevieve coughed and gagged. It seemed as though there was a higher concentration of Dream shade pants where ever she went. 

Genevieve carefully cut away the poisonous Vines and walked through until she finally found a clearing. She could have set up camp here but instead she had other ideas. Storybrooke was not yet capable of giving her the magic she needed. But she knew for sure that Neverland was filled with the most magical creatures around. 

Genevieve looked around she was no one was watching and she waved her hand and a cave appeared. She had always sensed something being here hidden away from Pan and his band of demons. She stepped inside of the cave and laid down to rest. 

Her rest only lasted a few hours before she heard a voice. The voice of a man. "HENRY?!" The voice called out. 

Genevieve sat up grabbed her dagger tightly and she peered out of the cave. There he was. A man that Genevieve had never seen before in her life until now. He was fairly tall. He had a mustache and light brownish hair. She stepped closer to the entrance of the cave and stepped on a branch. 

"Who's there?" He asked. 

Genevieve didn't move not an inch. She was frozen. What if thus man worked for Pan too, like Greg and Tamara? She couldn't risk getting caught but the man walked towards the cave and Genevieve panicked she picked up a dagger and launched it out of the cave and the man stumbled. Genevieve ducked out of the cave and took off, 

"Hey!" The man shouted and ran after her. 

Genevieve ran for her life but she was never lucky in running away from people and she tripped. The man caught up quickly and grabbed her arm and hauled her to her feet. Genevieve struggled away from him. 

"Let me go! Or I'll stab you! You will not take me to Pan!" She shouted struggling against him. 

"Genevieve?" The guy asked. 

Genevieve stopped struggling and looked at him. Who was this man? She never knew him. How could he possibly know her. 

"Do I know you?" She asked snatching her arm away and gripping her other dagger tightly pointing it at him. 

"It's me." He said putting his hands up in surrender. 

"Oh yeah that helps." She said glaring at him. 

"Genevieve it's me, Baelfire." He said. 

Genevieve dropped the dagger and it fell to the floor. She stared at him in disbelief and shook her head. "No...Baelfire is dead. The lost boys killed him...You're lying." She said. 

"Genevieve they never killed me....I escaped and hid in a cave..before I figured out how to leave this island." He said. 

Genevieve's heart stopped. Was this really her friend? But how...he was a grown man. The it clicked. Baelfire went to the real world....he grew up. Genevieve jumped on his and gave him a hug. "I thought you were dead! Don't you ever do that to me again!" She snapped. (A/N: Oh the irony.) 

Baelfire chuckled and hugs her back. "Yeah...what are you still doing here. After I made it to the cave I went looking for you the next day and you were gone." He said. 

**editing** Pan's Dark Heart (Peter Pan)Where stories live. Discover now