The Escape of The Jolly Roger

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Genevieve was sitting in the corner of the room her eyes closed and she kept thinking to herself. 

How the hell am I gonna get out of here? 

The thought ran through her mind for the last hour that she was sitting there her hands scraping against the rope  from trying to pull them out. Her forehead was covered with sweat and she was practically suffocating with the heat in that room. Was the boat on fire? 

Three million other thoughts raced through her mind within the time she was trying to pry her hands free from that knot. 

What if they found snow and Emma? What if they were headed back? What if they found a way to get to Storybrooke? 

All those what if's ran through her mind only making her frustration bigger until she was ready to snap. Finally her hands were scarped and probably bleeding, she was frustrated, and she wasn't giving up just yet. She stopped trying to pry her hands out and started trying to figure something else out. She snapped her eyes open. 

Genevieve examined her surrounding of the room. Anything could work at this point. Her eyes eventually landed on a fishing net. It wasn't so much the net itself it was what the object under it. 


She scoots close to the net and kicked it off and saw it there. Her new best friend. A small kitchen knife. It was plain and small but not too small and the blade was sharp enough for her to cut the ropes off. 

She shifted her hand close to the knife and with her right hand she grabbed the handle and began to cut the ropes. She was half way through her back pressed against the wall when she heard the door open. 

Genevieve stopped and held her breath. 


She thought she was done for. Hook would take her out and re-tighten her ropes when something made her realize it wasn't him. 

"For a pirate there is nothing valuable on this boat." A man said. 

It certainly wasn't Hook. It could've been bandits. They could kill her if they found out, but Genevieve had no choice. She waited and listened to them talk. 

"This is all worthless junk." The man said. 

"Well we better tell Robin before the pirate comes back." Another man said. 

Robin? As in Robin Hood. 

Genevieve grins the thought of the cartoon movie of the red fox and all the other animals. At first she bit her tongue to not only hold in a snort but so she wouldn't call out to them. They could kill her. Or maybe Robin wouldn't actually be the mighty hero from the movie but a real ass. 

Suddenly the crate was lifted off the trap door and Genevieve held her breath. She waited for what would happen next. She heard something being smashed. The Crate. She waited for them to open the trap door up instead she heard a frustrated grumble and then the door being close. 

She mentally thanked the Thieves and finished cutting the ropes. She pulled her hands to freedom and cut off the remaining pieces on her wrists.

They stung in pain but she shook it off. She stepped on a crate the was just under the trap door and she pushed it open. She looked around to make sure the coast was clear and then hauled herself up. 

Then she heard it again. Footsteps and a man's voice. It was the same Man from before but there was a different voice. Genevieve hid behind the door and two men walked in. They were both fairly tall one was rather round and he had a bread with red hair. The other man had brown hair and he was very skinny. Genevieve held her breath. 

**editing** Pan's Dark Heart (Peter Pan)Where stories live. Discover now