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Just a few Kingdoms to the left of Snow White's Kingdom, is the Kingdom of Valencia. Where the queen has fallen ill and she is pregnant. Her husband who is dead after heading to war never knew about the child. The Kingdom looking for a miracle to heal their queen scattered across realms to find a cure. 

A young boy finally found an answer. A man by the name of "The Dark One". He took the dark one to the palace hoping too heal queen. 

"Your Highness! We have an answer!" A guard said barging into the bedroom chamber. 

The queen was as white as the curtains draped over the window. She look at him and smiled. The boy and The Dark One entered the room. 

"Oh Dear, Your highness you look very ill." The boy said. 

The Dark One looked at the queen and smiled. The queen smiled at the boy and motioned him to come closer. He stepped forward. 

"What is your name boy?" She asked. 

"B-Baelfire." He replied. 

"And this man?" She asked. 

"He's my father Rumpelstiltskin." The boy said. 

The Queen looked at the dark one. He had a sarcastic smile on his face as if this amused him.

"Can you help?" The queen asked softly. 

"Yes Deary, but all magic comes with a price." The Dark One Said. 

"No! Papa no price this time, for the love of all that is good she is dying! You will heal her with no price!" Baelfire snapped. 

The guards glanced at each other uneasily. 

"Alright Bae." Rumpelstiltskin said. 

He pulled a potion out of his pocket and shook it. It was a golden liquid which glowed at the very essence of life. 

"This will heal you, but there is one problem." The Dark One said. 

Baelfire looked at his father. "What is it?" Baelfire asked. 

"There is only enough in the bottle to heal one." Rumpelstiltskin said. 

"So make more!" Baelfire snapped. 

"It's not that easy Bae, unless you have the proper ingredients on you I'm afraid there's nothing I can do but save either the queen or the child." The Dark One said.

"Save my child." The Queen said.

"No! Your majesty who will run the kingdom?" A Guard asked.

"I don't care about the kingdom my daughter will live. When I die the throne will be given to my sister." The Queen said.

"Yes your majesty." The guard said. 

Baelfire frowned and looked at the queen. "I'm sorry your majesty." He said. 

The queen smiled at him. "It's okay my dear. You will always remain in my heart boy. Thank you." The queen said. 

The dark one gave her the potion and she drank it. The Dark One mumbled something. The queen smiled at him. 

"Thank you." She said. 

The Dark One smiled. Baelfire looked heartbroken. 

"Your highness what would you wish to name the child?" The guard asked. 

"Genevieve." She coughed. 

The guards nodded. The Dark One and Baelfire left. 

Three days later the queen gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Her sister Maleficent was heir to the throne and was there. She had tears running down her cheeks and looked a mess. She held the baby in her arms. 

"Guards a moment please." Maleficent said. 

They left her alone taking the queen's body to bury her. She looked down at the baby in disgust. 

"Oh my dear you are my so called undoing?" Maleficent laughed. 

"Oh my dear niece you will never know this happened. if you dare get in my way. I'll have to kill you." Maleficent mused. 

"We won't want that? Now would we?" She asked. 

The baby stared at her in a questioning way. Suddenly a bright light almost blinding appeared. A woman stepped from the light and looked at Maleficent. 

"You are a poor soul and it pains me to do this but if not given the kingdom will fall." The woman said. 

Maleficent formed a ball of fire in her hand. "Who are you and how dare you interrupt my bonding with my child?!" Maleficent snapped. 

"Your child? That is Queen Cassandra's daughter. Maleficent." The woman said. 

"Who the hell are you?!" Maleficent asked shielding the child. 

"I'm Fiona. I'm an oracle and I'm here to give you the prophecy that was for the queen but since the queen is dead I have the..." She paused for a moment and stared at Maleficent in disgust. "honor, of giving it to you." She said.

"Prophecy?" Maleficent said. 

"Yes, In the ballroom there are twelve hidden spots. A certain dance done by twelve princesses of the same blood. Once activated by the twelfth child at the age of 13 the spots will reveal a staircase that travels to another realm where the most purest magic exists. It's enough magic to grant over three hundred wishes. But one slip up and not only will the realm be destroyed but each of your children will die. That is why the child is your undoing so I suggest you think wisely. Keep her away from your daughters while dancing and away from the kingdom. She is dead because one mention and not only will your kingdom fall but three witches who are also looking for this realm will destroy you and this kingdom."  Fiona said. 

Maleficent looked at the oracle. "Wouldn't it make more sense to get rid of her?" Maleficent said glaring at the baby in her arms. 

"No, because then the guards will charge you with treason and have you killed. That means no wishes for you or magic, now off to whatever you plan. But I suggest you and your husband start working on those twelve daughters. Because when she comes to a point where she realizes who you really are and that you planned to kill her she will try to stop you." Fiona said. 

Maleficent gave the baby a look full of hatred. She looked up and the oracle was gone. 

"You will never stand in my way niece if it's the last thing I do." Maleficent said. 

**editing** Pan's Dark Heart (Peter Pan)Where stories live. Discover now