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Genevieve ran through the woods as if she were running for her life. Then she turned around. She didn't see him at all. She sighed in relief and laughed. 

"Yeah you'll definitely always know where I am." She laughed. 

She turned around and saw him standing right in front of her. 

"Ahh!" She screamed. 

She fell to the ground. 

"Peter!" She screamed. 

"I will always find you." He said smiling. 

She stood up and laughed. 

"Fine you win." She confessed. 

"I always win." He said. 

"You didn't win the last time. " Genevieve smirked. 

He raise an eyebrow at her and smiled. 

"We don't talk about these things." He said. 

She smiled at him. It's been two days since Reese had been killed by Hook. Now she wanted nothing but to get her revenge on him. She wanted to him to have an eye patch to match his precious hook. She didn't want to know what they did to Reese's body. She stared deeply into Peter's eyes and smiled. 

He's're changing him. A voice echoed in her mind. 

She shook the voice out her mind and grabbed Peter's hand. She smiled at him and he smiled back. The darkness still circled around his eyes but the layer was thinner this time. Almost like the darkness was escaping him mind. 

Leave girl! You don't know what you're doing! The voice snapped. 

She ignored it again. She held Peter's hand tighter. Then she felt a sharp pain in her other hand. She let go of his hand and looked at her other hand. Nothing. She shook it off. She looked back into Peter's dark green eyes. They smiled at each other. 

Then he started to lean in again and their lips touched and she screamed. She felt a sharp pain in her gut. 

"Genevieve!" Pan screamed. 

She laid on the ground and started to cry feeling the pain spread to her heart then it stopped. She looked around and Peter was starring down at her. He had worry written on his face. 

"Are you ok?" He asked kneeling down. 

She sat up and everything was fine. No wounds, blood, scratches. Almost as if it were a mere illusion. She looked up at him. 

"I-I'm fine." She said. 

He helped her up and looked at her. 

"What was that?" He asked. 

"I-I don't know" She replied. 

He laughed. 

"Don't scare me like that!" He said. 

She smiled slightly. Then they began walking back to camp. 

You were warned your highness..... The voice taunted. 

She wanted to scream and run away from this island. The voice was freaking her out. At camp the boys were in a group surrounding two boys. 

Felix and Baelfire. 

Felix had his dagger at Bae's neck. The boys were chanting and Genevieve was staring in horror. 

"Bae!" She screamed. 

Felix looked up at her and smiled. He pressed the dagger harder on his neck causing a cut. Peter's eyes flashed and they became almost completely black. He smiled with satisfaction. 

**editing** Pan's Dark Heart (Peter Pan)Where stories live. Discover now