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Peter Pan smirked at Genevieve as the lost boys tied her arms and legs together. They picked her up and carried her through the woods. She stared at the sky as the boys carried her through the woods. Suddenly she heard footsteps besides the lost boys. Then she saw a girl appear from the woods. 

"Pan." Genevieve said. 

"What?" He asked walking next to Baelfire who looked guilty. 

"If girls aren't allowed on this island then why is she here?" Genevieve asked. 

The blonde glared at her. "Excuse you, I'm Tinkerbell Pan's loyal companion." She snapped. 

"Yes, this girl has earned my trust, only people who earn my trust won't be killed." Pan said smirking and raising his eyebrow at her. 

Genevieve wasn't going to let this brat get under her skin. If she was gonna live she needed to show Pan what she was made, even though she's only been using her sword for a day and a half. 

"Ok." Genevieve said simply.

Pan knit his eyebrows. But it faded quickly and he smirked. 

"So where did this one come from?" Tinkerbell asked. 

"The Enchanted Forrest, sent here but Rumpelstiltskin." Pan said staring at a map in front of him. 

"I've been there. Very nasty place. I lost all of my friends and family there." Tink said. 

"Save your sob stories for someone else, you know I'm not one to listen...or care." Pan said walking ahead. 

Tinkerbell glared at him as he walked away Genevieve giggled. 

"What's so funny?" Tinkerbell asked. 

"Well isn't he a great friend?! Nothing says friendship like save your sob story for someone who cares." Genevieve laughed. 

"Why, I could just-" "Tink, she's getting thrown to the mermaids so you'll just have to enjoy the show." Baelfire cut in. 

She rolled her eyes and walked over to Pan. 

"What's her problem? She's a girl and an adult isn't she supposed to be gone or not here." Genevieve asked. 

"I don't know. She just gained Pan's trust." Bae said. 

"How, because I'm not going down without a fight." Genevieve said.

"He usually likes to play games, like my dad likes making deals." Baelfire said. 

"Yeah, your dad is a real charmer nothing says a friendly deal like bring me my son or you can stay miserable forever."Genevieve said. 

Baelfire laughed at her joke. "Yes, well Pan likes to play games so. Offer him a game and he might let you live." He said. 

"Thank you." She said. 

Baelfire just smiled. The Felix walked up to him and snatched him by his collar. 

"Stop making conversation with the prisoner or you'll be dealing with Pan." Felix said. 

Baelfire pushed Felix away from him. Then he walked to the front of the group. Felix glared at Genevieve and she returned the glare.

A few hours passed and Genevieve was getting sick of being dragged all over the place.

"Pan!" Genevieve snapped. 

"What do you want now?!" He snapped back. 

"Are we there yet because I'm getting sick of being dragged! I'd rather be drowned by the mermaid already!" She snapped. 

**editing** Pan's Dark Heart (Peter Pan)Where stories live. Discover now