The Curse Is Gone

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Maggie sat at her dresser staring at herself. Was she really ready for this date? Was she really ready to go out with her crush? What if something went wrong? What if Carrie actually ruined the date? So many What If's dug into her brain. 

"Honey are you ready you date is here." He mother said poking her head into her room. 

It was Saturday afternoon and everything was fine. She was ready. She walked down stairs and looked at Chase. He was so perfect. Nothing made her happier than going on a date with the guy that she's dreamed about dating. She walked to the door and in that moment everything was perfect. 

"Hey. You ready?" He asked. 

Maggie smiled at him and nodded. 

"You look beautiful." He said. 

She blushed and looked at her outfit. Just a regular pair of denim shorts, a red tank top, and some sandals that match. She had on a denim vest and her hair was braided. 

"Thanks." She said. 

He grabbed her hand and escorted him to his car. Just as the perfect moment was going to continue, it ended. 

"MAGGIE!" Tracy screamed running toward her tears streaming down her face. 

"Tracy what's wrong?" She asked. 

Tracy ran up to her crying badly. 

"Henry! He's in the hospital! They don't know what's wrong with him! He's going to die!" Tracy cried. 

Maggie's heart was in her throat. Henry? When she'd gotten out of the hospital she'd grown close to him. She'd seen him everyday after school. He usually hung around Mr. Gold's shop. For and 1' yeard old boy he was always alone. But he also hung out with his mother Emma. 

"What?" She asked. 

Tears were at the brim of her eyes and she was devastated. 

"He ate an apple turn-over and it was poisoned! He's dying and the doctor can't find the source of it!' She said. 

Chase looked at Maggie. 

"I'm sorry Chase but he's my friend and he's dying. I just....." She choked on her own tears. 

"I understand the game can wait I'll drive you guys." He said. 

They got into the car and he rushed them to the hospital. He parked and Maggioe threw herself out of the car. She ran into the hospital and found Henry. His tiny body laid on the bed. He was covered in wires and had tubes in his nose. Tracy, Derek, Carrie, Haley, Mayor Mills, Emma and of course her and Chase were all there. 

"Oh my god." Maggie said. 

Everyone in the room looked at her. 

"What are you doing here?" Carrie asked. 

"Believe it or not Carrie, Henry is my friends......he's your brother but my friends. " She said. 

Suddenly the beep went out to a long beep. His heart stopped. 

"NO!" Carrie screamed. She turned and ran into her mother's arms crying and sobbing. 

Emma had tears streaming down her face. He looked like she was torn to pieces. Tracy cried on Derek and Maggie lost it. She turned around and hugged Chase. She cried into his chest not caring about anything. 

Emma walked up to Henry crying silently. She moved the hair from his face and placed a single kiss on his forehead. The kiss sent a huge gust of wind across the room almost knocking everything over. 

**editing** Pan's Dark Heart (Peter Pan)Where stories live. Discover now