Maggie Blu

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Maggie's eyes fluttered open she was laying in a hospital bed. She sat up looked around, A nurse walked into her room and gasped. She ran out of the room. 

"Doctor Whale!" She called. 

A man with dark blonde hair and a pale tan ran in. He sighed in relief. 

"You're awake!" He beamed. 

Maggie touched her head. 

"What happened? Last thing I remember......I don't remember anything." She stated. 

"It's a defect you'll be fine I'm going to call your mother she'll be so happy!" Dr.Whale said. 

Maggie looked around her hospital room. She saw a vase of wilted flowers and another with fresh flowers next to it. She saw balloons floating all over the room some saying "Get Well Soon" or "I love you" She only remembered her mother, Oh how she adored her mother. The sweetest lady in town. 

Something caught her eye. It was a small boy. He was probably around 10 or 11. 

"You're awake!" He said. 

"Do I know you?" Maggie asked. 

"No, but I know volunteer at my school after you finish at Mr.Gold's shop." He replied. 

She suppressed a smile. 

"I'm Henry, Henry Mills." He replied. 

"Hi, I'm Maggie Blu. Wait your Regina's son right?" She replied. 

He nodded. Then something caught her eye again. A woman with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes stood at the door with her arms crossed. 

" shouldn't be bothering the other patients." The lady said. 

"I know Emma, I was just checking her....Mother Superior is going to be so happy!" He said. 

The lady, which Maggie guessed was the aunt or something, nodded. 

"Yeah, how long has she been out?" The lady asked. 

"8 months." He replied. 

"Wow......Mother Superior did say the car crash was really bad...." The lady said. 

"Maggie!" She heard her mother say. 

There Mother Superior sprinted into the room and hugged Maggie with tears. "MOM" Maggie cried. 

 Mother Superior wiped her tears and kissed Maggie all over her face. Maggie loved her adoptive mother! Nothing made her happier than the relationship her and her mother had together. 

"Emma, this is my daughter....Maggie, Maggie this is Emma she's the new sheriff." Her mother said. 

"What happened to Graham?" She asked. 

Her mother looked down sadly and tears threatened to spill from Maggie's eyes but she stayed strong. 

"Oh, How'd he die?" She asked. 

"Heart Attack." Emma said. 

Maggie nodded sadly. 

"Well, how about Mayor Mills is she still the Mayor?" She asked. 

Her mother nodded solemnly.

"She's my mom." Henry said. 

"I know everyone heard about the adoption.......well what about Tracy and Derek?" She asked. 

She remembered her old friends........Her best friends Tracy and Derek, the two made the cutest couple they managed to be a couple without making her feel like a third wheel. She remembered everything it started to fit into place. She scowled at the memory. 

**editing** Pan's Dark Heart (Peter Pan)Where stories live. Discover now