The Thief of Souls

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Genevieve didn't move, she didn't speak, she just stared at her little sister. She realized that her sister and her were the same age and she should be 28 now. So should Bianca.......Marie touched Genevieve's shoulder and the black in her hair turned blonde, and her blue eyes turned grey, and her pale skin returned. Regina gasped. 

"What did you do to my daughter?" She snapped. 

"Your daughter?" Genevieve snapped. 

"Yes her daughter!" Marie snapped.

Genevieve looked at Marie in awe. 

"Excuse you?" She snapped. 

"You heard me!" Marie snapped. 

"Marie." Bianca said sternly. 

"Don't you Marie me! You owe me one! Regina needed a child and you needed to be brought back to life!" Marie snapped. 

"Yeah you brought me back 4 years later." Bianca said.

"What?!" Genevieve asked. 

Marie sent her a glare. 

"You! It's all your fault that mother killed all of my sisters!" She screamed. 

"Yet you would've been killed to if it wasn't for me. Because in case you never heard the story I jumped out of a window to save your ass Marie! You were 4 years old so what the hell?!" Genevieve snapped. 

Marie scoffed her blonde curls bouncing as she turned to her mother Regina.

"C'mon mom I'm sure all these peasants will probably start so stupid ass riot." Marie said. 

Her little a monster. Just. Like. Her. Mother. Marie walked over with Regina and they rushed out of the hospital and left Henry there with everyone else. Emma was hovering over Henry talking to him. Genevieve walked up to him.

"Hey ok?" She asked. 

Henry looked at her, he smiled. 

"I'm fine Maggie thanks for asking." He said. 

Maggie. She didn't like that name. It reminded her of how the perfect little life in Storybrooke just disappeared and the magic is back. 

"Just call me Genevieve." She replied. 

He nodded and smiled at her. 

"I've read your story." He said. 

She froze. Read her story?

"What do you mean?" She asked. 

Emma handed him a thick book that read. 'Once Upon A Time.' He flipped through the pages and then handed the book to Genevieve. She looked at it and gasped. It was her. She was standing in the room with Aurora staring at her sisters dance. The next page was her sneaking out and cleaning with Victor. 

It was all there except......the parts after she left the enchanted forest. The parts in Neverland. She looked at the book and closed it and gave it back to Henry. 

"Well then." She said. 

She got up and walked over to Bianca and Reese. 

"We should go. I'm sure we have catching up to do with other people." She said. 

They nodded and left the hospital. 

The outside was a complete disaster. There were people screaming and yelling, rioting and heading to Regina's house. They crowded the front of her house Dr. Whale, the least wise person of the crowd was in the front banging on the door. 

**editing** Pan's Dark Heart (Peter Pan)Where stories live. Discover now