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Genevieve looked at Tinkerbell and both of their faces were as white as a sheet. Tinkerbell got up she panicked and she took a bunch of sheets and threw them over Genevieve as if there were a pile of sheets there for no reason at all. 

"Tinkerbell," Pan called again sounding more irritated by the second. "I'm coming up!" He said.

A few moments later the door swung open and he walked in. Genevieve held her breath and stayed completely still listening to what he was about to say. 

"Peter what a surprise I haven't seen you since what's-her-face left." Tinkerbell said she wasn't hyperventilating which was a good sign because she would giving Genevieve away. 

"Hm, yes well I have a pleasant surprise for you Tink." He said, Genevieve could hear the smirk in his voice and she can picture him raising those stupidly attractive eyebrows. 

"And what would that be?" Tinkerbell asked softly. 

Genevieve heard Peter beginning to pace around the tree house and it made her heart crawl up her throat. He stopped right in front of the bed and sat down because she felt the movement.  "Our lovely Queen Regina is on the island." He said. 

"Is she?" Tinkerbell asked getting excited by the tone of her voice. 

Pan chuckled. "Yes. Now....I know you want your revenge but there is one problem. My good for nothing lost boys, seemed to have misplaced someone very threatening to all of this" He said. 

All of what? Genevieve asked herself. What is that git planning? 

"Who? They lost the boy?" Tinkerbell asked. 

Pan sighed and he stood up off of the bed and walked around. " No they were ordered to get rid of someone without killing them.....that someone was Genevieve. According to the crap Felix conjured up she got free of the and ran away cutting herself on a dream-shade thorn." He said, 

Tinkerbell faked a gasp and looked at him. "What? How is she back?" She asked. 

"The same way Hook is back. They're here for Henry. If you find Genevieve and hand her over to me then I will gladly let you know the location of Regina." He said. 

Tinkerbell was silent for a moment but when she spoke Genevieve's heart dropped down to her stomach. "Okay." She said. 

There was silence and the after a few minutes Tinkerbell took the sheets off of Genevieve, "He's gone." She said, 

Genevieve gave her a skeptical look which made Tinkerbell scoff at her. "Did you honestly think that I would sell you out like that?! When you're injured?!" She asked. 

Genevieve bit her lip. "I don't know. We did have a bit of a sketchy friendship last time I was here." She said. 

Tinkerbell rolls her eyes. "Genevieve you're injured the best I can do for you right now is let you go. I'm sorry but you're rght Henry needs you help and so do the others, If Regina goes missing don't worry I won't kill her." She said softly. 

Genevieve stared at her in confusion. "What? Wait you're letting me go? What about my cut?" She asked, 

Tinkerbell looked around nervously. "Genevieve there is something you can drink on this island that will heal you. But I can't guarantee you that it will last if you leave the island. I don't know where it is either." She said. 

"How do I find it?" She asked softly.

"Only three people on this whole island know where it is besides Pan. Hook, Baelfire, and Devin." She said looking at her seriously. 

"Okay one problem. Hook is with people that hate me, Baelfire is looking for Henry, and Devin is a lost boy." Genevieve said glaring at her. 

Tinkerbell scoffed at her. "Are you kidding me? Genevieve you're a smart girl think! If Baelfire knows where it is the find him. If Hook knows where it is but is against you offer him a deal. If Devin is against you then threaten his life like you always do. He's afraid of you." She said. 

Genevieve smirked. "Okay. Give me some a bag full of supplies and I'll leave." She said. 

Tinkerbell grins and she walked over to the corner of her room and grabbed a bag and put a dagger in it, as well as some fresh clothes and an arrow. "What am I supposed to do with an arrow without a bow?" She asked. 

"Ask Baelfire he'll let you know." Tinkerbell said smirking at her. 

It was Pitch black outside and Genevieve went looking for Baelfire first but with no luck she went on to find Hook who was bound to have been plotting against the other somewhere. She heard a rustle behind her and she yanked out her dagger and turned around and came face to face with Baelfire. 

"Damn you Bae!" She said shoving him back. 

Baelfire chuckled and looked at her. "Where did you go? I managed to know that they don't use much security against Henry." He said. 

"I was captured. I was going to burn the camp to the ground but Pan was too smart for that. I was cut." She said showing him the wound.

Baelfire bit his lip. "How did you get it treated?" He asked looking at her. 

"Tinkerbell found me, listen I need to find the place where they healed Reese." She said. 

Baelfire looked taken aback. "Healed? No Reese got shot remember?" He asked. 

Genevieve sighed. "Listen Bae. Pan healed Reese and kicked him off the island. He's still alive....somewhere." She said.

Baelfire looked at her and sighed "It's a waterfall you drink the water it heals you." He said. 

Genevieve nods. "Great do me a favor take this. Tinkerbell said it'd be useful I'm guessing some magic might work against Pan." She said. 

Baelfire grins and takes it. "Okay. How are you gonna get to the waterfall?" He asked. 

"I have a plan just.....do what you do best and disappear." She said. 

Baelfire rolled his eyes and he turned around and took off into the forest. 

Genevieve decided to skip making a bargain with Hook. She wanted to challenge herself. As if being injured in a dark Jungle with a boy who can appear anywhere and kill her wasn't challenging enough. She decided to pay an old foe a visit. The camp was silent. That meant the lost boys were asleep and Peter was in his tent plotting. She knew this was a stupid and risky move but she couldn't help herself. 

She walked through the camp and she snuck into Devin's tent and she dragged him out and tied his hands and she dragged him and far as she could before her body go tired and the she pinched his arm causing him to wake up. 

"Wh-Genevieve?!" He asked in disbelief. 

Genevieve glared at him and pressed her dagger to his throat and glares. "I'm going to make this very clear. If you call for help, or try to summon Pan I will kill you even if you get away I will find you and kill you understand?" She asked. 

Devin nodded his head violently and gulped. "Good. Now I want you to take me to the waterfall where they healed Reese so get up and lead the way." She said pressing the dagger to the back of his head. 

The walk was long and it was tiring. They had to stop a few times before they could continue. When they finally got to the top of the mountain Genevieve sighed in relief and she rushed over to the dream shade bushes and she cut them and cupped her hands and took and handful of water and drank away. 

When she pulled away and sighed feeling a fresh feeling. She turned to look at Devin but saw something that made her grin. David in front of her with a sword to her throat and Hook his his shiny hook to Devin's neck. 

"Well Hello there love." Genevieve said smirking at them. 

A/N: Another successfully boring chapter if I do say so myself! 

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